The chemistry of love - butterflies or adrenaline?

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4 years ago

Throughout history, people have claimed that the heart is the center of love. Scientists tell us that love is only in our brain, lubricated with chemicals and chemistry.


When two people are attracted, a virtual explosion of neurochemicals such as adrenaline occurs. Fireworks explode, and we see the stars. PEA or phenylethylamine is a chemical that accelerates the flow of information between nerve cells.

Related to chemistry are dopamine and norepinephrine, chemical relatives of amphetamines. Dopamine makes us feel good, and norepinephrine affects the production of adrenaline. Because of him, our heart skips a beat!

These three combined chemicals make us feel in love. That is the reason why lovers feel euphoria and energy, as if floating in the air.

What is "chemistry"?

There are two elements that make up this invisible but powerful attraction that we call chemistry. The first element is similarity. We are attracted to people who are similar to us in some way. Similar in interests, attitudes, value system, intelligence, but also family history, attitude we have towards ourselves (how much we love ourselves, how much we respect and value ourselves), whether we are passive or active, liberal or conservative ... Of course, similarity is never complete because there is no person who is identical to you, you are unique. But there are people who are similar to you in some ways. Similar in intelligence, family upbringing, self-understanding, value system and some interests. Such people seem nice to us, we easily understand such people even though we haven't known each other for a long time, we feel a connection with them almost immediately and we easily establish intimacy. The similarity is likable not only because of the closeness but also because of the feeling that something is known to us, understandable, acceptable. The similarity with others is, among other things, a confirmation of one's own personality.

Another aspect that makes up chemistry is compatibility. Psychological compatibility. The two people complement each other psychologically. They satisfy each other's psychological needs. What one has, the other does not have and that is exactly what he wants to have, so he finds it in his partner. For example, a passive-dependent person who is insecure finds a successful, narcissistic partner who is ambitious, enterprising, and prone to self-evidence, while he or she is prone to not emphasizing and relying on others. On the other hand, that narcissistic person also benefits from a passive-dependent person, gaining from him a loyal partner who admires him / her and thus supports his / her sense of “self-confidence”. I guess you saw a couple in which a man talks all the time and a woman is silent and listens (or vice versa). They are compatible. One leads the other follows, one fascinates the other is fascinated. Together they build one psychological symbiosis.

In reality, we are always attracted to people by all three factors: physical attractiveness, similarity in positive and negative, and compatibility. It is an equation of attraction in which some of the factors have a stronger share and some a weaker one, but they all exist simultaneously. "Chemistry" is always stronger than physical attraction.

 @Meher89  @Gracee  @Ladyv28 @milanlukic @ruza17 @minimaus

@Dreamer @Macronald @SirPotato I give the story to my dear and interesting friends!

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4 years ago


uh gde me nadje sa hemijom, ajd da malo to sa hemijske osnove proanaliziramo. Ljubav je nista drugo nego osecaj u mozgu koji nam izazovu odredjene hemikalije. Te hemikalije se stvaraju kao posledica zelje naseg organizma za produzetkom vrste, sto mu je osnovna namena, ma koliko se nama to cinilo nelogicnim. Sve ostalo je oblanda koja na neki nacin pokusava da objasni da je u pitanju nesto sasvim drugo. Jesam surovo realno napisao sve ovo ali tako je kako je.

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4 years ago

Ne slažem se,želja organizma za produžetkom vrste ???Pa ne poželi muškarac to sa bilo kojom ženom već sa osobom gde se osetila hemija...privlačnost...ineresovanja...razgovor...Znači ljubav je oblanda.

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4 years ago

siroka diskusija sto se hemije tice, sto se statistike tice, koja naravno da ima izuzetaka, kod muskaraca je taj apekt baziran na kvantitetu, dok je kod vecine zena u pitanju nesto drugo, jer je sama mogucnost ostavljanja potomstva veoma razlicita u brojevima, ima tu mnogo zanimljivih cinjenica koje se svakodnevno otkrivaju koje bukvalno coveku mogu da zavrte pamet, poprilicno pratim te stvari i neke su i mene jako iznenadile

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4 years ago