It all started with the Romans
We took over the modern calendar, or more precisely inherited it from the Romans, who originally had 10 months a year, and it started in March, which was logical for everyone then, because spring and the new cycle of nature's awakening began. The winter period was not treated very well and there were no months for that period.
Sve je počelo sa Rimljanima
Savremeni kalendar smo preuzeli, tačnije nasledili od Rimljana, koji su prvobitno imali 10 meseci u godini, a ona je počinjala u martu, što je tada svima i bilo logično, jer je počinjalo proleće i novi ciklus buđenja prirode. Zimski period se i nije baš nešto dobro tretirao i nisu postojali meseci za taj period.
Caesar introduces order into the Roman calendar
About 700 BC, a Roman ruler named Numa Pompilius decided to correct this gap in the year and added 2 months to the calendar. Admittedly, it was not yet a definitive calendar, as the number of days in the month had not yet been finally settled, so Numa added one month, for the winter, called Intercalaris, but it lasted only until Caesar, who introduced order in the Roman calendar and made it as we know it today. .
Cezar uvodi red u rimski kalendar
Otprilike 700 godina pre nove ere, rimski vladar po imenu Numa Pompilius je rešio da ispravi tu prazninu u godini i dodao je 2 meseca u kalendar. Doduše, još to nije bio definitvni kalendar, pošto broj dana u mesecu, još nije bio konačno sređen, pa je Numa dodao i jedan mesec, za zimski period, po imenu Intercalaris, ali to je potrajalo samo do Cezara, koji je uveo red u rimski kalendar i napravio ga ovakvim kakvim ga danas znamo. .
How did the months get their names?
January: Januarius (Latin), named after Janus, the Roman god of entrances, thresholds, gates, gates, beginnings and ends. Janus has two faces, each on one side of his head, so he can keep track of the beginning and end of everything that is happening.
Kako su meseci dobili svoja imena?
Januar: Januarius (latinski), dobio ime po Janusu, rimskom bogu ulaza, pragova, kapija, vrata, početaka i krajeva. Janus ima dva lica, svako na jednoj strani glave, kako bi mogao da vodi računa o početku i kraju svega što se dešava.
February: Februarius (Latin), has originated from the term February, a purification rite held on February 15th.
March: Martius (Latin), named after Mars, the Roman god of war.
Februar: Februarius (latinski), ima potiče od termina Februa, obreda pročišćavanja koji se održavao 15. februara.
Mart: Martius (latinski), dobio ime po Marsu, rimskom bogu rata.
April: Aprilis (Latin) in Latin means "open": it got this name because in that period the flowers bloom and the buds open.
May: Maius (Latin), named after the goddess Maya, the goddess protector of plants and their growth.
April: Aprilis (latinski) na latinskom znači “otvoriti”: dobio ovaj naziv jer u tom periodu cveće procveta i otvaraju se pupoljci .
Maj: Maius (latinski), nazvan po boginji Maji , boginji zaštitinici biljaka i njihovog rasta.
June: Junius (Latin), named after the goddess Juno. Its symbol was the peacock, June is the month of colorful flowers.
Jun: Junius (latinski), nazvan po boginji Junoni. Njen simbol je bio paun, jun mesec je mesec raznobojnog cveća.
July: Named after Gaius Julius Caesar.
August: Named after Augustus Caesar, the first Roman emperor.
September: September (Latin), meaning ‘seven’, used to be the seventh month in the Roman calendar.
October: Octo (Latin means ‘eight’, used to be the eighth month in the Roman calendar.
November: Novem (Latin), meaning ‘nine’, used to be the ninth month in the Roman calendar.
December: Decem (Latin) means ‘ten’, it used to be the tenth month in the Roman calendar.
Jul: Nazvan po Gaju Juliju Cezaru.
Avgust: Nazvan po Avgustu Cezaru, prvom rimskom imperatoru.
Septembar: Septem (latin), znači ‘sedam’, nekada je bio sedmi mesec u rimskom kalendaru.
Oktobar: Octo (latin znači ‘osam’, nekada je bio osmi mesec u rimskom kalendaru.
Novembar: Novem (latin), znači ‘devet’, nekada je bio deveti mesec u rimskom kalendaru.
Decembar: Decem (latin) znači ‘deset’, nekada je bio deseti mesec u rimskom kalendaru.
Jas se uste si go praktikuvam toj podsetnik od raka za brojot na denovite vo sekoj mesec, Inaku, tekstov navistina mi se dopadna, procitav informacii i raboti za koi ne sum znaela i ne sum procitala do sega.