Mandatory drinks during a pandemic: Lemonade and zinc!

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4 years ago

If you have symptoms of the coronavirus, or you are simply scratching your throat due to an allergy or the common flu, the advice of experts is to take in as much fluid as possible. The liquid will prevent dehydration of the organism, which can have serious consequences for health.

Therefore, it is recommended that you constantly drink a little liquid such as water, lukewarm tea, tea with honey, lemonade, soup.

Why lemonade?

Fresh lemonade is full of vitamin C, and this vitamin successfully fights all types of viruses, including coronavirus. It is recommended to drink lemonade all day, but never cold. You can sweeten it with homemade honey, and to enhance the taste, feel free to add a little cinnamon.

Intake of the allowed amount of vitamin C will ensure the proper functioning of all cells, and in the period of the virus it is more than necessary.

In addition to strengthening the immune system, this vitamin affects the good appearance of the skin and its elasticity. It contributes to the increase of happiness hormones in the body and good mood. In addition, it prevents the aging of the skin and all cells in the body.

Many people think that it is mostly found in citrus fruits, but you will be surprised by the fact that they are also found in large quantities in this fruit and vegetable.

To ingest the recommended 100 milligrams, eat a handful of black currants and a serving of spinach. And paprika, zova, broccoli or other cabbage types give the necessary daily portion.

Here are the other foods in abundance:

Rosehip: 1,250 mg

Dog thorn: 700 mg

Black call: 260 mg

Spices: up to 210 mg

Parsley: 160 mg

Cabbage: 150 mg

Broccoli: 115 mg

Red pepper: 110 mg

Fennel: 95 mg

Spinach: 90 mg

Strawberries: 80 mg

Lemon: 50 mg

Red cabbage: 50 mg

Why zinc?

Zinc deficiency can cause physiological changes and problems. Some studies have shown that eating zinc in the diet can reduce mortality among children who have an acute infection of the lower respiratory system.

Foods rich in zinc help maintain brain structure and the general health of the nervous system. This mineral is essential for the creation of insulin reserves and stimulates its function. The complex of zinc and insulin is located in the cells of the pancreas, and when the body does not have enough of that element, there is a possibility of developing diabetes. It has been noticed that diabetics have twice the amount of zinc than normal.

Unlike some substances, the body cannot store zinc, which means that it is necessary to take zinc daily through food. The human body contains about 2-3 grams of zinc. The recommended daily dose for women is 8 mg daily. In pregnant women, this number increases to 11 mg, and in breastfeeding women to 12 mg. Zinc intake during pregnancy will have a positive effect on the health of the baby's brain.

Zinc-containing foods:

meat, eggs, fish, Soy

Brewer's yeast

Dairy products - cheese, milk,

Whole grains and wheat germ (especially rye) Nuts - peanuts, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews,

Vegetables - cucumbers, lettuce, olives, onions, peas, spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage , artichoke .100 grams of spinach provides 0.60 milligrams of zinc, while 100 grams of peas gives 1.5 milligrams of zinc

Fruits - avocados, bananas, kiwis, strawberries, peaches

Chocolate, Legumes: beans, peas, lentils, garlic, brown rice

Therefore, all you can do during a pandemic is to think positively and take care of your health! Who is guarded - and God guards him.

 @Meher89  @Gracee  @Ladyv28 @milanlukic @ruza17 @minimaus

@Dreamer @Macronald @SirPotato I give the story to my dear and interesting friends!

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4 years ago


ne kaze se dzabe jedna jabuka na dan drzi doktora daleko od vas, to se definitivno ukorenilo u narodu ali je retko istinit mit. Balans u ishrani je jako bitan a pogotovu kada su u pitanju one materije koje nas organizam ne moze skladistiti u svojim rezervoarima na duzi period kao sto su vitamini i minerali

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Ja toliko volim jabuke da jedem dnevno po kilogram i kod doktora sam bila dva puta kada sam radjala decu.Do skoro nisam imala izabranog lekara.E sada da li su jabuke ili geni!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you for this article and for sharing with us which foods contain vitamin C and zinc! Let's fight the current Covid 19, and winter will follow when it is the season of viruses and flu!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you for this article and for sharing with us which foods contain vitamin C and zinc! Let's fight the current Covid 19, and winter will follow when it is the season of viruses and flu!

Today, we receive news from the school administration that the school will be closed again due to the flu that is coming. I feel lost.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Really? What happened to us, we can't lead a normal life !!! When do schools close?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Really? What happened to us, we can't lead a normal life !!! When do schools close?

I don't know exactly. We asked for a letter and then the chief told us that there would probably be a closure due to the flu soon.

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow you have outlined how best to stay healthy, the drinks you mentioned are really nutritious. Thanks for this

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow you have outlined how best to stay healthy, the drinks you mentioned are really nutritious. Thanks for this

I'm glad you like it during the pandemic, we have to worry about health.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Jacanje imuniteta je uvk korisno jer je jak imuni sistem jedini nacin da se uspesno odbranimo od virusa

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Vitamin C is really so much helpful for increasing our immunity power. In this pandemic situation we should increase our immunity to keep fit our body

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Vitamin C is really so much helpful for increasing our immunity power. In this pandemic situation we should increase our immunity to keep fit our body

Of course, we must protect and strengthen our body.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

wow. This is a nice article especially now that viruses are everywhere. Vitamin C is really helpful. Thanks for this helpful article. :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

wow. This is a nice article especially now that viruses are everywhere. Vitamin C is really helpful. Thanks for this helpful article. :)

Thank you ,vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid and ascorbate, is a vitamin found in various foods and sold as a dietary supplement. It is used to prevent and treat scurvy. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient involved in the repair of tissue and the enzymatic production of certain neurotransmitters.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You are right. I am taking ascorbate everyday :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago