Have you heard this thought: You will not change the world with your opinion but with your example.
This school principal is doing just that.
Take a look!
Have you heard this thought: You will not change the world with your opinion but with your example.
This school principal is doing just that.
Take a look!
I almost saw this video. I was really blown away. First with the intention of the director that the children be physically active, second, then imagine Snezo our minister playing in front of an institution, then "pisijada" alive: D
Don't do that, so I constantly play with the children and teach them various choreographies to Macarena and many rhythmic games.
That’s great for both you and them. Physical activity, whatever it may be, is always welcome. Well done to you for trying to do the best you can with your students.
That’s great for both you and them. Physical activity, whatever it may be, is always welcome. Well done to you for trying to do the best you can with your students. We downsized due to the pandemic but we used to play constantly.
The pandemic will end, so we will be able to work with the same students as before. I can't wait ... 🍀
these are traditional Chinese dances
Dragon dance - traditional dance Fan Dance - traditional dance Sword dance - a traditional dance Wind dance - folk dance Dunhuang dance - folk folk dance Muqam dance - folk folk dance Red women's section - fashionable Exercise dance / Square Dance modern
Kod Kineza sve naveliko, pa i gimnastika po trgovima.
Ovo je u skolskom dvoristu na odmoru sa direktorom.
Videla sam ovaj video ranije na jutjub,ja sam se odusevila.
I ja ,kod nas se direktori samo zature u fotelju i vazni jer su politicki postavljeni,a glupi kao noc.
We must lead by examples
We must lead by examples yes, the very example of this directors thrilled me
Yes o.
mi smo igrali fudbal :D za vreme odmora
Nekada bilo danas deca samo gledaju u telefone zato je direktor skole ovo sjajno izveo.
Slazem se da je sve najbolje pokazati sopstvenim primerom. Ipak, lepo sam se i nasmejala zamisljajuci direktora skole u kojoj radim kako ovako plese.
To sam i ja razmisljala za svog direktora...hahaha ali ovaj je mlad i bas mu prilici.
I almost saw this video. I was really blown away. First with the intention of the director that the children be physically active, second, then imagine Snezo our minister playing in front of an institution, then "pisijada" alive: D