Start of week also a start of busy working week. Last Friday just stayed back distributing ART kit. Today another guy again household member get diagnosed and need to put to level 1 contact.
Nevertheless, today a cold day with raining outside. So it's by default meaning lunch at cafeteria than going out for meal.
But luckily the food is not bad and I able to choose those that looks tasty and healthy.
And it's super colourful meal today !
How many colours are there you see? Yup total five major in food - white , yellow(brown) , green, black and red. If count together with the blue color tray. Its just colourful and wonderful meal today !
With all the favourite dishes I have, today the food price also reasonable at $4 in total. Hopefully later can have more energy to work out those contact tracing for the level 2 . Sigh.
This kind of following up for ART kits is endless and non productive at all!
The meal does look colourful indeed!