how to become a better person - SirPotato secret message - opinion about colour fight

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4 years ago

At first nobody knows you and you are unrecognizable and anonymous. You cannot save the world yourself, but you can become a better person. Abetter place to live is where you want to make some changes. Dont watch at the others watch at yourself, set your major goals and simply fallow this steps. Others will notice you sooner or later and they will start to fallow your steps, thats how you can save the world little by little. Every day more humans will be changing theirs thinking style and they will also start developing new savior rules for this world.Youre alone at the begining but you wont be alone at he end. From one little flame that you created by your efforts, now you can pass it to the others, and so the whole planet can be on positive fire striking all evil things in this world.

The way of real potato - SirPotato

humans know many colours

colour fight(racism) developed by humans

we potatos know one colour, the colour of love

join potato kingdom community

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4 years ago


Thank you for your kind words, sir. In the past I even thought about suicide... Sorry, I was such a negative person those days. But now I promise I'll change my mind. And yes, you are right: Love is the key.

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4 years ago

If you look around and take a look at what the world looks like, it will be clear to you that many things are not working as they should. All the problems to which we are collectively exposed - be they political, economic or ecological - are the responsibility of man, the most developed evolutionary creation. We, as a human species, are both their movers and their victims. And it is impossible not to notice that in the world, regardless of whether we consider our street or the whole planet as the world, there is chaos. So much hatred, violence, chasing material interests, power struggles… So much evil. What can happen to change that? What can save us? Education? Evolution? Divine intervention? Meteor? My answer to that is: only love can save us. Does that sound too dramatic? Hippie? Maybe it's like some kind of lemonade, a weekend love novel, the name of a new Mexican telenovela? Before you write off this idea as superfluous pathos, stop for a moment and give it a chance.

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4 years ago

thank you bebe youre always here to support little potato articles ❤️❤️❤️

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4 years ago

Thank yiu,Have nice day!

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4 years ago

I agree that we can always be better than we are. We can always help more, and we can always give more love. Unfortunately, people often do not know how much they can help to other people, and that should change.

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4 years ago

আপনি সর্বদা খুব ভাল লেখেন স্যারপোটাটো! আমি তাই আপনার নিবন্ধ প্রতিটি টুকরা ভালবাসি। এবং এটি সত্যিই আমার কাছে বোধগম্য হয়েছিল। এটি আসলে আমাকে অনুপ্রাণিত করেছিল। এটি পড়ার পরে, আমি নিজেকে প্রতিফলিত করেছি। "অন্যদের নিজের দিকে নজর রাখবেন না" এই শব্দটি সত্যই আমাকে আকর্ষণ করেছে। এই নিবন্ধটি স্যারপাটাটার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ। আমি সবসময় আপনার নিবন্ধগুলি পড়ার জন্য উন্মুখ..

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4 years ago


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4 years ago

You always write very well SirPotato! I so love every piece of your articles. And this one really made sense to me. It actually motivated me. After reading this, I did reflect on myself. The words "Dont watch at the others watch at yourself" really hit me. Thank you for this article sirpatata. I always look forward on reading your articles ❤️💚

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4 years ago

thank you very much - SirPotato is best human-motivator evrybody can find some pieces of themselfs in SirPotato articles

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4 years ago

Indeed. I agree with that. SirPotato is such a great author and a human-motivator 😊

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4 years ago

thank you kindly since SirPotato is very shy now and is red on his potato-face, thank you once again, nothing is better than swimming in potato-complimetns

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4 years ago

Please tell SirPotato that he is so cuteee and adorable hihi. And oh, I didn't experience seeing red-faced potato before, i bet it's so cute i wanna pinch his cheeks 🤗

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4 years ago

"we potatos know one colour, the colour of love" that's why I love potatoes alot. Yummy yummy potatoes🥔

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4 years ago

thank you for lovely post, you have making stronger your relationships with potatos that way

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4 years ago

Fifty years ago , someone in our area thought of cultivating potatoes. Then he farmed and got a good harvest. Today, our area is famous for potatoes all over the country.

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4 years ago

every human have to start from scratch as every potato has to start from the ground - rolling like a stone - SirPotato

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4 years ago

Just being true to yourself .. :)

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4 years ago

You write well. Obviously every persons need to be change and be a good person and personality too. Hope you are also a good person. I also try to change myself everyday. I have a questions to you..?? Why named ur nickname Potat?!

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4 years ago