Mechanised Agriculture: An Improving Sector

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2 years ago
Topics: Agriculture

Aging back, debates in my country that has been famous amongst high schoolers is the debate of the "Teacher vs Farmer- who is more important? " Well ,we were always left in a fix as the choice is hard ; Teachers are like the building blocks in ones life , they teach us what to know and other bare essentials and enlighten us on the world around us while the Farmers on the other hand are involved in the day-to-day activities of what the world is to consume and use materially and other derivatives.

They both seem indispensable to us and our world but most people when asked to pick one as a choice of career in a just concluded survey conducted by my group would pick being a Teacher over being a Farmer and with reasons . Some say being a Farmer is tedious, dirty and all sort. All these reasons ain't false either as Farming is being viewed with the latter perception of manual tilling and hardwork with little produces to show off for it as in the case of substitence farming. Let me put my writing to a stop there for a moment.

Farming or being a Farmer would fall under the Agricultural sector. There are varieties of jobs under the sector from being an importer and exporter of farm produces to lumber seller to the least of even being an horticulturist. The Agricultural world as we know it now is not like those of the stone age or the previous decade. A firm statement to back that up is that the average of accomplishments now in the Sector is steadily increasing and why would that be so ? In this century now , we have mechanised farming and proper tools to be used for probably any job needed that would make it easier. Manual labour is being reduced as possible all around the world and not just in the Agricultural sector . There are diverse people who are in gratitude to this improvement like the Lumberjacks who used axes to cut down trees, the transporter who uses animals to move good from one place to another reducing the limit of transportable goods.

All over the world now machines are being used to replace tasks that are meant for manual labour by humans and in the long run, making some people lose their job . This is a down side in adopting mechanised Agriculture in terms of job provision but it also gives room to operators and maintenance workers for machines. A major downside of Farming in my Country would be that most of the individuals who practices it ranges from being non-literate to mildly literate. A few percentage of Farmers are literate and graduates from College.

A great way to also improve people productivity in Farming would be ;

● leasing of Equipments to those who can't afford to buy machines as some might not be financially buoyant

● incentives to the diligent and most hardworking

● easy accessibility to market which has mostly being covered as the Internet and several awareness program are available

I take Farming as a major case of study as it is more or less the job depiction of the word "Agriculture" when heard. I also as a person would love to venture into the Farming business as it would greatly affect the sector if more literates are involved in the sector ~ lol ~

I would love it if in the next few years everyone would feel and look at Agriculture the same as I do , a nice-paying and decent job. Thanks for reading ..

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Avatar for SilverBack
2 years ago
Topics: Agriculture
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There are many misconceptions about farming and while others look for 'white collar jobs' elsewhere, the farming sector continues to thrive and those people who take the opportunity it offers usually thrive too. And with the onset of machines, work in the farm is much lessened as well.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Exactly my point ... I guess you have so much experience that I can't even lecture you... heard you invest most of your BCH in your farm projects.. really inspiring

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh, I still have a lot to learn, and reading this is one of them. I am not sure about what you heard of my BCH, but if you mean farming in the SmartBCH chain, then it is quite correct. But if you meant the actual farm in agriculture, I have to say not really. I haven't taken out any of my BCH, they are kept in my wallets or they are on staking :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I mean farming in the smartBCH

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Okay, that is quite right altho not much :) I wish you the best on your investments too

$ 0.00
2 years ago