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Avatar for SilverBack
2 years ago
Topics: Depression, Life, Reality

A day to rejoice, a day to celebrate.

Like cold water running down the stream, my heart races after the riches of life and its abundance.

Have I lost thought of what really matters and those dear to my heart? Have I lost sight of what has gone and of what is to become ?

Like pearly beads, sorrowful tears forms and rolls down my stiff and freckled yet expectant and hopeful face in search of deep recesses to lay and call home, in a bid to escape and let go of trailing emotions.

My mouth sealed and my eyes shut closed and yet I still see and speak with my heart as attitude begat movements, movements that trails into the unknown future and its mystery.

Am I at fault? Have I loved too much or have I grown so much? That I don't see what is before me lest what is behind but only of the distant and cold future.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step but verily I say unto you, the process is all that matter - trust the process.

Reality can be often disappointing ... an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind and also cleanses the heart and soul as boundaries is set and opinions respected.

To each his own - spare the rod and spoil the child but the rod is broken and yet the child rotten! Has the ways of the old wax cold?

Value the moment of today and cherish them as we know not what the future holds for us.

A day to rejoice, a day to celebrate.

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