Fasting Is Better Than Dieting

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2 years ago
Topics: Fasting, Dieting, Health, Body, Mind, ...
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Not saying this because I'm a religious individual. There are many research on it proven that fasting is better than dieting. More or less we all know about the benefits of fasting but in this blog I'll share benefits that I've experienced personally.

Not saying that dieting is not good but when fasting has huge benefits then why don't we go for it? The way we Muslim people keep fast is the best way we take care of us. Fasting has good impact to our body, mind and soul. Basically keeping fast should be for Almighty, to please or impress Almighty we should keep fast, other benefits can be count as bonus.

None Muslim people also consider our fasting style the best for our body,mind and soul. I'm a believer because I've personally experience the goodness of keeping fast. I'm a fan of fasting since my childhood days. I was six when I start practicing it, credit goes to my parents who supported me to practice this in Ramadan month.

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These days getting fat or overweight is very normal because we are focused on career and long time sitting on chair or in front of electronic device cause body fat. We have no time for walk,gym,yoga or some other kind of exercise even we forget to breath well and drink water. As a result, we welcome obesity and unexpected disease. Diet plans often found doesn’t work on our body, as our body type is not similar to others. Dieting can't guarantee weight lose or fixing body parts.

Fasting works for all organs of our body. It help us to maintain a sound body and mind. This can be consider as the blessing from Almighty Allah. Ramadan is coming soon and we can practice fasting. Many people set their mind that if they stop eating for specific few hours will feel weak which is absolutely wrong. Many over concerned parents doesn’t encourage their children for fasting at their exam time but this is not right.

According to my personal experience I've attended my exams when kept fast and I was feeling really very energetic than other times. I travelled by bus and sweating for hot weather but I was not thirsty for water. This is such a blessing that Almighty gave me enough energy to be stick on my fasting.

For patients in hospital or at home this would be different. Fasting is a kind of satisfaction to me that I've experienced several years in my life. Would love to keep fast this year again in Ramadan Month. We can keep fast weekly twice as our prophet did. Though honestly I'm not regular about keeping fast but I often try it even after the religious month Ramadan. People who loves to be healthy and happy, can try fasting instead only dieting.

Thanks For Reading 💖

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2 years ago
Topics: Fasting, Dieting, Health, Body, Mind, ...


We need to let our stomach rest as well that's why fasting is okay and diet too depending on the kind of diet you have.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

yup I mean that too but fasting is a package or combination of many good and positive things.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Many research proved that fasting boast our stomach health and resolve many bodily disease. Especially beats with the cancer disease

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactly. Reduces not only our tummy but also our sins.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes indeed

$ 0.00
2 years ago

In our faith there is also the observance of fasting. I do not fast because of my health. But the need for fasting is as important to the body as the need for food. The human body is structured in a similar way that it needs to fast. To cleanse your body of toxins, you need to make fasting a habit (if your health allows)

$ 0.02
2 years ago

But the days of fasting as a child were quite fun. We don't just have to fast, have to follow all the rules of fasting as a Muslim. I wish you a holy Ramadan.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I loved fasting too. You are becoming discipline to what you eat and the time for you to eat. Such a good way to enhance your body and mind's health.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactly , fasting is much better dieting !

$ 0.02
2 years ago