Don't try to cross your limit

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Avatar for Shawon130
2 years ago

Hey , who the hell are you to talk behind or judge me?

Hey guys start the new journey of todays article with a important message for those people who always busy to Judge other guys without look to their own character. I am going to write article today about those bad character guys and I want to know from them: Did I give you permission to you? Don't cross your limit ok.

Human being has different character. As a human being I also carry different types of mentality and character. But I am assuring you that from my childhood my mother taught me few good things which I like to follow and apply in my life. I always feel good to see smile and happiness in other peoples life. When I see something bad in-front of me I always try to solve it by good advice or suggestion. I never go back if I see someone in bad condition in their life. I never feel great to talk behind about someone. My mom taught me that, Shawon you are my child. I am your Mom. Will you listen and follow what I will learn to you? I said yes mom, I will do it. My mom said than listen it, Never talk behind to anybody with bad intention and never judge anybody. I said Mom why you said that to me. Did you ever see that type of character to me. She said, No I did not. But you should know about that matter. Devil always try to attract us to it. If anytime you did that type of work than you will remind my words. I can understand my mom words. She never wants to see me in hell after my death. Because in our religious we only believe that our Creator ALLAH is the judge of all creation. So I am bold now. But nowadays we see many people are working to judge another guys. In my view they are fool who are engage with that types of character.

People are going to be crazy to get anything in this life. All of you knows that I do job in a private firm. Here I see that types of guys who are wasting their time to talk behind others with bogus words. I feel lough to them when I see they are working for devil. They forget their Creator rules. They all are educated by reading books only but they all are working as like uneducated person. I am connecting with some people in my office work . Few are my colleague. From the begging to the ending I see most of the time they always do quarrel. I know they all are doing hard work. But few guys has who don't accept it that they are not doing well. They reported to the boss by wrong information. If those officer or staff don't follow his/her rules or system then he/she showed power to them and told the boss that guys don't work properly or doing gossip only. He/she is not perfect for this work. By their information boss show temper or aggressive behavior to them who are really innocent without any mistake. But for job purpose many can not say they are right. If they say boss think that guys are bad one with bad attitude who are disagree to give respect to the boss. Innocent guys always get shout and feel tension or depression in their face.

I always join at work and thanks my creator that I have own room in my office. I have nobody in my room. It's well decorated and closed by door lock. I don't go outside normally without any work. I just keep sit in-front of the Laptop which situated in my desk. In free time I do article writing in and I spend my free time by writing or thinking new topics. I always remember my mom words and for this reason I don't move or connect with other bad guys who are not good character or attitude. Few guys come to me but I always try to share my own idea or life style . I told few of them, Please don't do that. You aren't in right track. You are doing wrong and it will be harmful to you. You are doing quarrel which can be a cause of bad things in future. They said yes we know. But in next day they do same things as their regular activities. So I quit myself to say to stop this. I am a junior IT officer. Many are senior to me. I like to give respect to all human being. I learned it from my MOM. All human being has rights to get respect from their own place. My mom told me, a person can be rich or can be poor but never Judge anyone by money. Give respect to all in equal system. If you compare by money than your Creator will Judge you one-day for it.

Some born with talent and some without talent, some born with beauty and some are ugly, some has bright color and some are black color, some born from rich family and some from poor family. Nobody in this world born with perfectness. No one can say I have everything 100%. If anyone say I am perfect one I will say you are the biggest fool in this world. You are just showing you have all ability or you have everything. But remind it fool guy" ALLAH is the perfect one and only ALLAH can say it ". ALLAH is our creator who will judge all of us in our alive moment and after death. But few people show the power to judge others. They think they are the only one who can judge to others. Not only powerful or educated one many uneducated guys also who have no knowledge about religious rules and regulation. They also try to judge others by bad comment.

I know human being can do some wrong but people get hurt when they like to respect and same guys doing gossip with others with bad words to him/her. In our religious its strictly said NO for those who are talking behind or judge someone. If anybody talk behind with others without your present its one of the biggest sin ever. Its like you are eating meat of your own brother. Its a sin. I don't like to eat my own brother meat ever. So I don't like to talk behind or judge any one ever.

I like to ask few question to all and later give suggestion to all in below:

Do you like to eat your own brother meat by doing Judge or comment badly to others without present?

Suggestion: ** Never ever try to do bad comment or judge others. Because Our Creator only has rights to Judge others.

Who are Judging or doing bad comment about you with others just ask to them, Did I give permission to you? If you can ask if those guys has shame they will not ever talk or judge about you behind. Stay happy ok. Don't try to cross your limit.

Special Thanks for my all sponsors and upvoters and subscribers and Commenters.

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Avatar for Shawon130
2 years ago


It is greed to try to cross the line drawn for us. greed leads to sin

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes Greed leads to sin and welcome you to hell.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Definitely dear

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Everyone has good and bad sides, we should give honest advice to others. we do not have the power to judge anyone.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yes people forget this fact that we have no power to judge anybody.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don't judge for I am not perfect. It's one of the reasons why I decided to work from home because I can't tolerate the way people treat each other.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You choose a right way and separate yourself from bad mentality people.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We don't know the stories of every person so even though at some point they did something wrong it is not right to judge them to the core, because we don't know what they're going through.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There are two things that I eliminated from my habits, judging and complaining. Both things do not bring any good consequences, only problems both with other people and with yourself.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

that's great to know that you can eliminated those two bad habits.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No one should speak harshly behind anyone's back, If something bad happens in front of you, you solve it, it means that you are a man of great heart.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes we all should avoid talking behind of someone.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The character of people talking hill about someone at his back, as been there from the start of this world, even though we've been hearing sermons not to do it, most of us still do it.

I'm totally not in support of it✌️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Many people are busy to do that type of bad activities. I am not like that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

To give free smile is Sadqa in our religion. We should not complain of any one to another. Happy to see you followed instructions and Guidance given by your mother. Have a good day brother always.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My Mom is my idle and I always like to follow her instruction.

$ 0.00
2 years ago