Don't avoid problems, face-them

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1 year ago

Every person faced good or bad days in his life, some of us give up because of soo much struggle and we are disheartened when they didn't get results after so many powerful efforts.

I was listening to Babar Azam's inspiring words for his teammates after the loss of his team in the first match of the world:

'hamary hath mai efforts hai, baki Alla pe choor do'

This means we can do only efforts, it's up to the Almighty whether we succeed or not. That's what the Pak team did through the world cup. They played two nail-biting matches against India and Zimbabwe, although the team lost players put in their full efforts. Probably this was the reason that the Pakistan team played the Final, their beliefs even after the first two consecutive losses. And now each player of the Pak squad will receive 1.3 crores Pkr from ICC as prize money.

That's why struggles are important till the last moment, as that last moment could prove a turning point and the whole life game can change. Sometimes after trying many efforts and failures so of us felt that I am not made for that particular career and give up. What if I tried one step more succeed? The milestone we want to achieve could be required a little more effort. Even though the writer of Harry Potter failed many times when ultimately she succeeded.

Struggles or problems in our lives are just to text us whether we deserve it or not, so one should have the guts to stick with a specific skill until he becomes a master in it. On good days everyone can survive, we see people's real faces on our bad days, and that's why worse days in our lives are so important. Many people's lives leave watching us on worse days and some who stick with us are the loyal ones.

Take those struggles as a blessing, one can learn how to flay after falling bundles of times, as people who were already needed by someone else, felt like flying is a bad thing. what we have is enough don't need more just live that life and spend the rest like that. But the person who faced struggle after struggle, failed many times, and start from zero knows he has no limit nor this sky or the upper space. And he is a real fighter.

A driver can't be an effort in his skill if he traveled through smooth roads he needs difficult roads to test his skills. Another important point is that most people give up after soo much struggle. This should not be the way, one should stick with the specific until he became a master in it.

I read a story about a Badshah, I don't know the exact name of him, as I read that story back years ago when I was in class 4th. The main theme of the story is on the struggle of a king. He lost his army in a war and he was so disheartened and escaped into a cave. It was his 8th consecutive defeat. He lost all hope and sat hopelessly in a cave. He sees an ant who tries to rich a top spot in that cave. He was continuously watching that ant and realized that the ant failed the 8th time and this was the 9th effort by the ant. During the 9th effort, the ant successfully reached the desired spot. The King can relate to his personal life story, so he decided to create a new army and fight again. And this time the King also succeed.

The point is that one should never lose hope just keep trying and ultimately success will be achieved. Only efforts are not enough learning from the mistake done in the past is another important step. If I just keep trying again without any learning or avoiding past mistakes this would not help. Learn from the st mistakes overcome them and then try again, this can give better results!

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1 year ago
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Loosing hope never helps in any circumstances. Babar said absolutely captain's words which motivated the team and lead to final. Effort is key and achievement is destiny.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Exactly! another important thing I observed in the current team is unity, they are playing like a unit celebrating each other success which is a great sign

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1 year ago