Human can makes plan only it's Creator who decide

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1 year ago

Humans can only make plans regarding things that he has to do in present and in the future. But the Creators have different plans for us. As an aspirant, you want to achieve your dream career, but you would not be able to rich that destination. Not because you worked less. But because the creators have different plans for you. Which would be better than you thought for yourself?

You love someone and want to make him/her your life partner! But due for some reason you can't able to pursue your life journey together and you got heartbroken. In that case, you don't need to be sad as there are better plans written already in your fate.

We see only apparent things that are visible to us. But we can't see the hidden side of the story. My grandfather used to say:

' jo cheez apko na mily us mai koi na koi hiqmat hoti hai'

This means there is always a hidden cause behind every failure or thing you can't achieve. The creator is aware of all of us and knows what things are better for us. It's only we who want to achieve things just because of external appearance or charm.

Two weeks ago I faced an accident on bike. I was driving on the road and a boy of my age hit me im the front and I fell down. We both were driving with high speed and I can able to control handle and fell down. The guy hadn't even look back and run away after hitting me. It wad my first accident of my life. First bike hit me than I hit with a car and fell down on the down.

It was terrible accident but anyhow thanks to Almighty I saved from any sort of head injury as this could results in worse consequences. Although two fingers of my right feet got fractured but I am all happy that I am saved from major injuries like head or any internal organs. The bone will be recovered after 1 and half month and I will be fully fit.

Minor and major wounds of the body are covered now and hope so the bone fractured issue will also be sorted soon. The point of sharing my is that my can only make plans, As I was going to bank to withdraw money via ATM can't even reached there and faced accident. I have different plans, but Almighty has written something else in my fate.

I haven't even think of this accident and I was driving bike as in routine but something else was written in my life journey. I didn't panic for a single moment and not got stressed as I believe that most of the things are already written in our fate. We can't do anything with them. When I wad driving it was a game of seconds. For next 2 minutes I can't figure out what happened here. But it was written in daily journey.

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1 year ago
