Affiliation of my dreams with bitcoincash

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3 years ago

Every person is possessed with future dreams that may be accessible to him or seem to be difficult due to unavailability of the resources. Both these possibilities exist during his journey of converting his dream into reality. But imagine if someone has dream beyond his thoughts, what possibility would be helpful for him in this regards...

This is the journey of dreams in which a simple countryman is trying to turn his dreams into reality through cryptocurrency. He is inspired by his fellows who are on the way to progress, but he is slower due to unavailability of resources. His future goals are to set up his own crypto business and affiliate many his poor, talented, non crypto people with this chain. To start this journey, he has to set his starter.

The starter journey begins in October 2020,when a kindhearted friend asked him about bitcoincash. He was unknown about BCH before that time. The low market rate made him disappointed for the first time but he was convinced to notice the low transaction fee, rate of transaction and many people joining it. He compared that BCH is the best place instead of BTC.

Joined the platform and utilized some innate abilities to make good writing. He was motivated to see the pioneer with huge payments on their articles. That was the point when he set his goal at a certain limit. The journey of writers being rewarded for their quality content writings by @MarcDeMesel @PVMihalache@huckfinne gave him a great boost to explore and write more about BCH.

He joined in January 2021. The first tip of$0.07 for the first time was a motivative for him to work at the platform the whole day while sitting in blanket In the winter days. The first exchange of $7 BCH through made me so excited that I couldn't explain it here. It was my first ever earning of life which I spent on the treat of my siblings and parents. Such a push gave me a great courage to work for the platform.

By the grace of Allah Almighty, I have got about $70 from, $78 from and $82 from lazyfox. All these are the best sites to earn bitcoincash. Now I am working for onboarding many people on bitcoincash so that they can also be paid for their quality content writings skills. The motivation for the newbies are my BCH exchange and wallet pics that are here.

Now I have a goal to achieve a challenge of 2 BCH in the March month. I hope it will be achieved by me in the required time due to the cooperation and guidance of pioneer here.

As an intellectual said that the man is brave who share his future ideas and thoughts with you. Being right on the platform, I have some dreams of my life. Although these are very difficult to see all of them into reality, but I am expecting that bitcoincash will make me so strong in near future that I will grab all of them on my hands soon. Thse dreams are

  • Set up own business around my locality and provide jobs to many young of my area who are well educated but jobless.

  • Will reward my father with bounty of money so that he may not work longer in the factory for the daily wage of just pkr 600.

  • Make an old house and orphan home to provide shelter for the homeless old ones and to grow up, educate the orphan ones.

  • Buy the trenndding Rangerover model.

$ 1.18
$ 1.18 from @homopit
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3 years ago
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So amazing article dear @MarcDeMesel @PVMihalache@huckfinne maybe they give us more BCH. Thanks for sharing

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I wrote this just to motivate newbies, 😍

$ 0.00
3 years ago

A great motivative for all the newbies to work for the betterment of platform and also the future

$ 0.00
3 years ago