Date: October 14,2021
Author: Sequoia
Lessons are learned in only two ways. It's either you discover it in a hard way or the other way around. Regardless, realizations should be taken seriously. It might save or help us overcome the future hardships that we will be facing.
Sometimes, God will put us in a very hopeless situation. And no matter how much we pray, the situation never changes. No matter how much we cry and beg Him, things doesn't just go the way we want it to be. Human as we are, instead of trusting Him and His ways, our often response to this kind of situation, is withdrawal.
And I can't really understand this behaviour of ours. We often hope that by doing this, God will give in and do the things that we want. Funny right? Why do we always act like we know better than God?
Why can't we understand the fact that God will sometimes never change the situation that we face, because He is changing something else? What if instead of a change of situation, He wants to change our hearts?
Our hearts is one of the most beautiful yet deceiving part of our body. That is why, we are always told to guard our hearts and use our brain in everything we encounter.
"God will never put you in a situation that you couldn't handle."
This is definitely one of the most common advice that we usually hear in people that gives us encouragement. And to be honest, this phrase saves me a lot. Hope have sprout and been reborn by this positive statement. I will never deny the fact that it is indeed true at some points.
Some points? Maybe you are already frowning right now. Yes, I intentionally put that words. Because as I grow up, my perspectives changes as well. I do not view things the way I see it before. I don't treat afternoon naps as a punishment anymore. Instead, it became my best bud and desire everyday. To have the time to nap and escape life through it.
Anyways, let's go back to what I am saying.
There are times that God will really put us in situations that we couldn't handle or overcome. Situations and hardships that are too much for us.
Yes, you read it right. We have to learn and accept the fact that we can't handle everything that comes in our way. But that doesn't mean that it is already the end. Some things are out of our control because God wants us to realize that without Him, we are nothing.
He wants us to realize that even if we CAN'T, He still CAN.
That is why, we should learn on how to fight our battles wisely. Don't waste your energy and drain yourself in battles that aren't yours in the first place.
Do your part and surrender the rest to the Lord.
God will sometimes not move you, because He still wants to change something within you through that situation or you haven't still learn your lesson.
Author's Viewpoint
Hey fam! How are you all? I already feel better now and so excited to read your articles again. I'll surely make it up to you all today. Anyways, I hope that you learn something from this and that it somehow make sense hihi.
I am glad you are learning and realise that your perceptions of things change as you mature 😃