We all know that a day is Consist of three parts, Morning, Afternoon and Night. Which part is your favorite? For me, I'll be choosing Night coz this is the time for resting after a long tiring day. It's also the time to bond with family, coz we all know that Morning and Afternoon are such a busy time to everyone of us. Some Go to work, Some Stays at Home doing household chores, Some have their own appointments. So the only Chance to Catch up is Night. So Here's my Daily three parts of the day..
Ohh I'm not a morning person actually I'm lazy to wake up early. It started when i stop working my wake up time has been change. Specially when It's raining. Bed weather is such one factor that makes me lazy to wake up early.😅 So I'll start My morning with Prayer ofcourse. I usually wake up 7:45 almost 8 am. So as i wake up everything is ready. I'll just eat my breakfast. After that I'll start to have my laundry. Yes everyday i do laundry its the uniform of my partner and some clothes We used the day before I do my laundry. After the laundry I'll do the household chores. Rest for a while then continue to finish all including the preparation of Our Viand for Lunch. I'm like a Housewife Haha actually I wanted to work again but my partner prohibits me due to my condition "seizure disorder" So He prefers me to stay at home. So After Lunch, I'll do the washing of soiled dishes. Afternoon Time...
So it's time to Have A Nap. This is my second Favorite Haha Coz I love sleeping . I feel relax when I do a quick nap. No more Activities for this time. Gonna have a nap and snack when awake. Such a Siesta time. All time favorite of everyone. When sunset started to have it's position. That would be the time for me to prepare food for our dinner, Then after that Have a rest and Evening will be coming. Time to eat..
Time for dinner with Family. Time to catch up and bond with them. Finally time to Rest after a long tiring day. Night makes me feel better when I saw Moon outside my window. Such a relaxing view with the stars. They really completed and changes my night. So Here's my set up during Night time before sleeping..
Ready to Lay down and relax my back. Haha. Just needed some time for myself. I'm getting to lay down on that photo.
Selfie time 😅🤣 just wanna check my face before sleeping. If I'm set already then I'll lay down now.
Ohh all are set. Finally laying down makes me feel relieved. Feels like I spent the Day well and completed
Can't sleep without blanket. So Here it is. Always ready to cover up my legs. Haha. Ofcourse my night will not be completed without my Mosquito Net.
Ohh my Mosquito Net.😍😍 It's really time to sleep. I always pray before closing my eyes. Completing a day is such a blessing. Tomorrow is another day to continue life journey. Let's call it a day. Have a Good night and have a Good sleep. Goodnight.My Favorite Part sleeping.
Thank You for Reading. Some photos are from unsplash and the rest are mine.
I think I am even more lazy than you because I get up after the morning prayer. The Lord made the night to rest. Maybe the mosquitoes are bothering you there, that's why you set the net. By the way, our journey has started together!