Our Union is Our Strength

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Avatar for Selflife
2 years ago

Unity and togetherness bring social strength. The first obstacle in front of this power is the "Ego". The most important problem for a human being is that he is defeated by himself, that he does not know how to be one with those outside himself, that he cannot succeed. It is the inability to control himself.

Many people know that the first murder on earth was committed as a result of Abel's jealousy of his brother Cain. Saying "me first" is the basis of jealousy. The basis of all negative feelings and thoughts is “I”, in other words “Ego”. We get angry with others, we get angry, we criticize very easily and we become the only perfect ones. We evaluate, judge, classify, and oppose others. This is how getting away from unity begins. The work of the devil, who makes man an enemy to man and wants him to act against God's wishes, will also be easier.

In order to eliminate selfishness, we have many other sayings such as "Where there is unity, there is unity... A thousand candles burn from one candle... A bird alone does not make a nest, only a stone wall does not...". Bilge Kagan calls out: “O Turkish Race!.. If you are a prisoner, you will be free; if you are poor, you will be rich; if you are naked, you will be dressed. As long as you don't be fooled by your enemies!.. As long as you don't break your unity!..”

Man lives in society as a social being. He cannot live alone. By nature, it is in communication and interaction with other people. If the effect is positive, it is beneficial to people and society. In case of negativity, damage is inevitable. If human relations are carried out with tolerance, respect, love and empathy, healthy, peaceful individuals and gradually families and societies emerge.

Societies that are in unity and togetherness are more successful in solving all their problems. It has been seen that societies that act in unity of thought, unity of heart, unity of action are successful and progress in peace. This is an immutable historical fact. Societies composed of people who are united and acting have developed more healthily, established civilizations, ensured justice in administration and were not oppressed. Societies or states that were divided and disintegrated due to internal and external reasons disappeared from the stage of history in a short time.

"Language unity" should not be ignored when talking about unity and togetherness. In the simplest terms, language is the energy-emotion-thought channel that tells, introduces and delivers us to each other. When the energy in the eye is combined with the power of the tongue, it is easier for people to understand. The development of culture and knowledge and its transfer to future generations are possible with language. The knowledge and unity of destiny provided by language has become eternal with writing. Language is the crown jewel of a nation's cultural values ​​and should be understood by all its inhabitants.

In this context, I have to underline our differences. Our differences are never an obstacle to our unity and togetherness. The human generation lives in different nations, communities, tribes; learns to support each other, not hinder, in science, knowledge, wisdom, ingenuity and charity.

Diversity is not given to any nation or society so that it can stand out or be superior to others. No family, company, institution or even the state can survive without acting in unity and solidarity. The commandment in our scriptures to “compete in good works” sheds light on this truth.

Unity and togetherness are not uniformity or order. It is walking around the same ideal, respecting the same values, and walking towards the same goal. Despite differences, it is to be one by empathizing with tolerance. To be together by embracing our differences. It is to live by supporting each other without dealing with each other, without bickering, accepting everyone as they are.

To live in harmony and peace is to be a partner in pain and joy, to find solutions to troubles and problems. The individual's personal or the society's perspective on life is to create the realization of daily life practices on the basis of "Humanitarian Unity". Personal values, family values, national and universal values ​​should not contradict each other as separate whole-understanding.

Living together, learning, taking lessons from problems and life is the first condition for the society to survive. If the second is to establish unity in the most realistic conditions possible, the third condition is the natural consequence of the second. In short, it is to live in peace. Life is a taste for people, it is peace, it is the joy of living, it is peace and contentment.

Peace cannot be attained by accumulating material and spiritual troubles and problems. We find peace and happiness by sharing them with others. The secret is in unity and togetherness. In fact, the future of our world depends on the collective application of these two words on a global scale. Otherwise, we will need another world as much as the one we live in.

I also wish for a world in unity, togetherness and peace, I hope and believe with all my heart.

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$ 0.02 from @Tomi-Ajax
Avatar for Selflife
2 years ago
