Taking Time for Yourself is Not a Luxury, it's a Necessity

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Avatar for Self-Self
2 years ago

Don't we sometimes feel like we all wake up to the same day? In general, we wake up, trying to catch up with something or something. Maybe we sometimes have breakfast, sometimes have a snack and sip our coffee in between the hustle and bustle. If you are a traditional employee, most of your day is spent working. So, when do we realize the moment we are really living in? When do we do what we really want?

Especially if you are doing what you are doing out of necessity, the situation is even worse. After a while, everything starts to overwhelm you. A monotonous, monotonous life unfortunately begins to prevent you from enjoying life. This is not just about the work you do, but considering that we spend an average of 8 hours working per day, what we do is of great importance for our lives. For this reason, if we have the opportunity, I am in favor of really loving what we do first. More precisely, it would be more meaningful if I said that we should do what we love. But unfortunately, knowing that we are facing the reality of the cost of living, I know that we have to do things we don't like to earn money, and this is a very normal situation. We have to live our lives somehow, we have responsibilities.

Sometimes we all get so caught up in our responsibilities that we look at ourselves that days chase days, months to months, years to years… While this is good in a way, it is actually a bad situation in a way. Because when a person looks back, he has to face the things he has not lived through.

That's why we have to give ourselves little treats from time to time. Think about it, when was the last time you did something “just for yourself”? When was the last time you put everything aside for a moment and freely set aside a day just for yourself?

In addition, we should not forget that we must first feel good so that we can spread good energies and make us feel positive emotions. Unless we are feeling well, a cog is always missing, and it does not benefit our closest ones. As a result, we are all part of a whole, and this reflects on all of us with the butterfly effect.

Some see taking time for themselves as selfish. But we should definitely not see this as selfishness. We will feel good so that we can make our loved ones feel good too. But what is the biggest mistake we make? We often think that it would be a shame to say no so that our loved ones would not be offended, and we often return yes to requests even though we don't want to. But No! On the contrary, it is your greatest right to say no and this is as normal an answer as saying yes.

Need to take time for yourself? Leave all plans aside and do whatever makes you happy! Let it stay messy! A little clutter never hurt anyone. Give yourself time to recover!

If everything has been coming your way lately, maybe you have started getting stuck on the little things that you shouldn't have, if you have a big stone sitting on your chest and you don't feel bored no matter what you do, first take three deep breaths and start thinking about what will be good for you at that moment. Put it aside and do what you want to do. Maybe two hours for yourself will calm you down. If you want to cry, cry loudly. Get out and go to a seaside. When I close my eyes, focus on the sound of the sea, take a deep breath and breathe in its scent, a new dimple is always reborn inside me. What is good for everyone is different. Give yourself time to think about what is good for you, to calm down. Rest assured, you will feel much stronger and better.

Of course, sometimes we experience situations that are not possible. There may be those who suffer from love. We may have a loved one we want to be reunited with but cannot, or, even worse, we may be grieving the death of a loved one who is no longer alive. We need to give ourselves much more time for our unrealizable wishes.

“Some pain takes a lot more time to cover up. Because the heaviest burdens we carry come from our unfulfilled desires and emotions.”

But over time, people start to trust the flow and accept everything as it is. Time somehow heals and heals wounds… Unfortunately, we have no choice but to give ourselves time to accept the situation… This is the indispensable rule of life!

But everything comes and goes, my friends. All that remains is the sweet, beautiful moments we had. For this reason, being aware of every moment we live is the greatest good we can do for ourselves. Even if you are bored with the monotony, even if you have financial problems, if you are in deep love, even if the death of a loved one has destroyed you, time flies and never stops!

Whatever we feel, that fire will burn until that fire inside of us goes out! Do not block! Just let your emotions flow. Repression is not the solution. That mourning will be lived, that pain will be shed. It just takes time, but know that it will pass...

$ 6.19
$ 6.16 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @ZehraSky
Avatar for Self-Self
2 years ago


Taking time for ourselves is neither selfishness not laziness. It is necessary

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I totally agree with your thinking. It is imperative that people take time for themselves.

$ 0.00
2 years ago