Throughout each and every day we all make several choices: what to eat, what to do, where to go, what to watch, who to talk to, and what to avoid. Our choices are the paths we take as we traverse life. Some are good decisions, some are bad. Some evil, some righteous.
Sociologists and anthropologists categorize humanity by generations. The Greatest Generation lasted 23 years, from 1901 to 1924. The Silent Generation lasted 20 years, from 1925-1945. Baby Boomers lasted 18 years, from 1946 to 1964. Generation X lasted 14 years, from 1965 till 1979. Generation Y (millennials) lasted 15 years, from 1980 until 1995. Generation Z was even shorter - a mere 13 years, from 1996 till 2009. Lastly, we are in what sociologists refer to as Generation Alpha - people born in 2010 and which will last until 2025, a 14 year time period. Each generation since the beginning of the creation has been given a span of time to live on this earth.
People count generations differently, however. For example, from Adam to Jesus there are 62 generations. Some say 42. I don't know, quite frankly. It depends on how long people count a generation. Some say 20 years, others 30. So if we go with 30 generations and a 6,000 year old creation, we come up with about 200 generations. In the end, it doesn't rally matter how many there were/are - each one has made their respective choices on how to live.
The flow
I remember the time 20 years ago when the world was crazy, but certainly not as crazy as it is today. With today's political correctness and cancel culture, most people find it easier to simply go with the proverbial flow. This was pretty much what I did all of my life - until I made a decision to follow Jesus Christ the Shepard as one of the sheep of His remnant flock.
Even then I was worldly. I smoked, drank like a whale, and cursed like the infantry soldier and paratrooper that shaped my character. I believed, yes, but I was choosing the world and my freedom in Christ over Jesus and God's plan for my life. Thankfully, God intervened and showed me what He wanted by reading and studying the Bible more in depth.
Most people continue to live in this world and go with its humanistic flow. It's convenient. There's less conflict. There's less friction when we agree with everyone's political and religious beliefs. And yet if we pause for a moment, today's culture is one of constant struggles with one another or groups pitted against one another, and even countries.
If you took the time to conduct research on the choices each generation made throughout the history of humanity, you'd find a consistent pattern. The pattern would reflect that most people did evil, much like their leaders, while a remnant lived in faith to God. It's really that simple. We may opt for bondage to sin and slavery or freedom and peace though God's forgiveness.
Each generation has made a choice an will continue to do so until Jesus returns - and He will return. Among each generation, most will choose self over God. This is the essence of free will. We may do as we please; we can choose to do good or evil. At the very core of good and evil, at least in God's eyes, is the choice we make to either serve God or serve the world.
Choose Jesus
Remnants of all generations in history have made the choice for Jesus. But most have and will choose the world and all the things in it. But we must keep in mind that there is a final judgment of God coming in the future.
Do not be mistaken: we should make no room for sin in our lives. Sin is both addictive and progressive. Believers and non-believers have lapsed into immorality, but God is using the present COVID-19 season as a period to call us back to Him. He is patient, but not forever, as history reveals.
"The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9, NIV).
Let's make it a point to make the right choice for our lives in this generation in which we live. Let's choose Jesus. Let's turn our back on sin and pursue the righteousness of God and His desired plan for our lives.
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Life without God is nothing but vain