Achievement ➡️Do/Say ➡️Think/Feel. Part 2.

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Hi everyone!

Once again think back to your role models whom you admire, And evaluate how they were able to think/Feel differently than most, And how it allowed them to take different actions that most wouldn't take.

Ask them how they were able to make the shift in their thinking and emotions.

This is a great exercise, Because it will give you great insight on what motivates you and what motivates others.

In high school my bestfriend graduated in the top five of our graduating class.

In college she got her first “D” grade in our first year college when she had never even gotten a “C” grade in any class ever.

On the other hand, By the time she got to her third and fourth year college she got an “A-” in one class, And the rest of her grades were “A+.” What was difference?

In her first year of college she was lost. The classes were were so different.

The huge university was a self-contained city, And it was a bit intimidating to her .

For her college was terrifying, Exciting, Challenging, And fun all at the same time.

She hadn't made up her mind and heart, As far as what she wanted from college.

She just went with the intent to do her best with no purpose or passion.

By the time she was in her third and fourth year of college, her purpose was clear, And she did a much better job with knowing when to say yes and when to say no to various activities (Remember the lesson of selective neglect from the all-you-can-eat buffet).

She formed better habits, and she wasn't just trying to pass classes to meet the requirements.

She was trying to master subjects that she knew she would be using and would be held accountable for in the workplace.

She wasn't just trying to get a degree, But she was also preparing for a career to support a family.

I have seen other students take a different route, Where their grades suffered in high school, Yet when they got to college, They did extremely well.

These students were bright and more than capable but saw no purpose in their education while in high school.

When they got to college the light bulb turned on in their hearts and minds, And they really applied themselves.

In either case, The difference in what was done and said was highly influenced by the strength of thought and feeling.

In the allegory of the three-combination lock I mentioned the need to learn from without.

We are now taking a much closer examination of what precisely to learn from without or what to learn from others as we rediscover how achievements are realized.

Again, results and Achievements come from what we do/Say.

What we do/say can only be sustained when the actions and words that will produce the results we want, Are in alignment with what we really think and really feel.

In the simple examples on exercise and eating right, The model is self evident.

In the more jugular issues in our lives the model is just as valid and applicable, But it requires a bit more soul searching.

For example, What do you really think and feel about yourself?

What do you really think about the important people in your life?

Are some of those important relationships strained?

How do you really feel about those people?

What do you really think and feel about your outlook on the future and the unique contributions you make?

In your quiet and private moments you need to reconcile what you sincerely think and feel.

No one except for you can answer this do/Say think/Feel alignment question in tough issues for you.

This takes humility and honesty and some time to ponder.

Remember the distance between heaven and hell.

When you reconcile your real intent, Your true feelings, And most honest opinions, It is great victory indeed.

Going through this exercise of accurately assessing your thoughts and feelings will give you clarity.

Let's have a quick review. The results and achievements we get stem from the things we do and/or say.

What we do and say is influenced by what we think and feel.

This begs the question, “If what we do and say is influenced by what we think and feel, What then molds what we think and feel?” In short, It's the voice that that we listen to.

Remember the allegory of the oxen pull and the trainer's voice?

Ultimately then, The voice that we listen to directly impacts our achievements.


STAY TUNED FOR THE PART 3 Achievement ➡️Do/Say ➡️Think/Feel. Part 3. I will try to make it as soon as possible 😉😘

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Fascinating article. I enjoyed it

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