My Ex is Crazy!

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A girl once told me that when she hears a guy say, "My ex is crazy" she runs for the hills because more then likely the guy did something to drive the girl "crazy".

Have you noticed that most guys tend to say this when you ask them about their ex-girlfriend? If you're a guy and you say this you might want to reconsider the situation and check yourself.

There is a psychological term called gaslighting where a person actually drives another person to believe they are crazy when in fact they are the ones with a disordered behavior.

If you're a girl and a guy says this to you maybe you'll have a better response now to the comment and can use the above signs to determine if the guy is a gaslighter.

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Good article.keep it up

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4 years ago

Nice article so much focus on men. How about ladies, are they not gaslighters too

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4 years ago

Yeah you're right it's a fair argument in regards to the overall message of the article - ladies are gaslighters too

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4 years ago

Saying your ex is crazy for boys. It's there best excuse. To Avoid more questions about there past. I think.

For me I just simply response past is past hehehe

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4 years ago


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4 years ago

Wow! This is really good. Though I've never said my ex is crazy cause I respect every woman no matter how bad we ended up. There must have been something that attracted me to her before we broke up. I like to hold on to that so I won't keep the bad memories.

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4 years ago

You sound like a decent guy that's a positive outlook on breaking up with someone you're definitely not a gaslighter!

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4 years ago

Lol, well I try my best to be decent. I won't say I'm perfect, but at least I male an effort. I think that's enough

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Your article is good. Thank you so much for sharing this kind of topic. I liked it and subscribe YOU. Back me Please.

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4 years ago

I subscribed to you!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

A very nice write up. I love it. Thanks

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for commenting

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4 years ago