Lyrics: Covid Omen

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I try not to get religious especially not


but I'm living in times where health is now


the enigma of the stigma is the virus could hit ya

in one simple moment

damn Covid

I know for sure you don't know this

but my family is holding hands at night

Mom caught that fright


it's subliminal

one nation under God

that's the motto

it's like a deadly lotto

it's like back in the grotto

like Oh Lord! not another yo'

thick strong keep the fears thin

fate is kinda funny

but whatever I'm still here now doing my thing

thank you for the attention

at least somebody's listening

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3 years ago

At this time very critical for the world. Corona virus (covid-19) increasing day by day. it is very harmful for Every man's life

$ 0.00
3 years ago