Taking advantage of the situation around us

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2 years ago
Topics: Skill, Trade
Image source : Unsplash

Many youths nowadays depend on themselves, for survival, while most finds one thing or the other to support themselves and families. In the aspect of education, there is no hope you graduate the year you are supposed to. In my country, Higher Institutions are currently on strike for some months now. But there is no hope for resumption anytime soon. I am also a victim of this unfavorable occurrence, due to ASUU strike, I have stayed at home even when I don't expect to.

However, there are things we can do as youths to develop ourselves better, learning a skill these days saves alot. Skills can be acquired through learning. Business can run down anytime, It might be lack of funds or non availability of buyers, for online businesses, phones and laptops might not be available at one period of time, anything can happen. Skills help you build professional network and better communication. Acquiring skills is one of the most important thing to enhance your business.

A degree can help you get a job but it cannot help to grow further. If you want your business to grow, you need to learn some skills to help. I will be sharing with us few skills that can help us financially, help our business grow larger, it can help us advance in our knowledge.

Image source: unsplash

Graphics Designing

Graphics design is a profession that is involved with projecting visual communication to transmit a specific messages. Graphics Designing is used widely nowadays as a means of information, advertisement, reports and to communicate ideas. It involves the use of images to create ideas and make it effective. There are lots of areas one can specialise on to learn graphics designer; Marketing and Advertising graphics design, Publication Graphics design, Packaging graphics design, Art and Illustration graphics design and others.

Image source: unsplash

Fashion Designing

This involves making and beautifying dresses. Learning this trade is one of the most lucrative job one could ever think of these days. People wear clothes everyday, and for different occasions; parties, weddings, church programs and others. We have different outfit for different occasions. Suits are generally corporate wears and they are meant for offices, meetings, conferences and seminars. Wedding gowns are made for brides, varieties of styles are made for different occasions; wedding events, outings, birthdays parties e.t.c. As long as there are people in this world, then there is no way they won't make new clothes to wear.

Image source :unsplash

Content Writing

Content writing is a process of writing, editing and publishing works in a digital format. They include writing blog post, articles, editing and writing web content, podcast scripts, ebooks, press release or news and more. This has become a trending skill and it has been helping people not only in the money aspect buy it has also improved many and helped in the advancement of knowledge.

Image source: unsplash

Hair and Wig Making

A lucrative job for ladies especially, girls who don't make hair definitely wear wigs because of one thing or the other. Making hair is a must for ladies, we can't go around with our hair looking unkempt, office ladies, traders, female students, business women, they all make their hair. Learning this trade can guarantee you a sure patronage by these people.

Thank you for reading so far. ♥️♥️♥️

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Avatar for Royaldiadem
2 years ago
Topics: Skill, Trade


Situations would not always be perfect but we are to make the most of whatever situation we find ourselves even if we are not in control of the situation that led us there. It's not surprising when they tell us to make lemonade out of the lemon. It won't always be pleasant but we can at least make sense out of what's left.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Verry nice. Thanks for nice information

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You are welcome 😊

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2 years ago


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