Good day writers, hope you all are having a good day, despite the troubles caused by covid-19.
Well well, I made some delicious noodles today, and decided to share it with you guys, it's really easy to prepare, sure you would love to know how I made this and what I used.
First I cut some onion,tomato and pepper.
Fried some sausage and made omelette with some chopped tomato and onion.
Fried some plantains.
Heat up water in a pan, pour the noodles and seasoning in the boiling water.
Let it cook for some mins (depends on how cooked you want it) and add little amount of oil.
Add the chopped onion, tomato and pepper to my noodles, and let it cook a little.
Serve the cooked noodles, and then add the fried sausage, plantain and omelette to your noodles.
Wow looking so delicious. I like your recipe so that i subscribe you. It would be pleasure for me if you also subscribe me.