A Pretty Face Doesn't Mean A Pretty Heart

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Written by
2 years ago

Who don't wanna feel pretty? Everyone wants to be pretty.

Some may call you pretty. Some will put effort to boost your confidence. However, it's actually on you. It's on you how you'll accept that you are the only beholder of your own beauty.

Easier said than done. I don't even see myself pretty as I write this but I'm trying.

A pretty face doesn't mean a pretty heart. But there are people who's pretty and kind. We shouldn't feel so insecure to them so we can both focus strengthening the fire of beauty that illuminates within and out. Once we achieve the looks we wanted, stay humble and make sure that the definition of beauty isn't a just shallow nonsense idea that based on the face.

Don't let others make you feel something you are not

We're beautiful. We're all beautiful. The only difference to some is, they don't see and realize it themselves. That includes me.

It's so hard. Specially when you get mistreated because of your face, skin color, imperfections, height, body type, and weight. It's so hard not to listen but let's fight hard to at least not make us feel ugly. Let's believe those sincere people who really see our beauty even if we're still not capable of being physically attractive and glowing because we're still under illness, problems, stresses, and thriving. We're already beautiful and once we see that...then we can glow.

You don't have to be pretty like her, be pretty like you

I know we have the ideal looks we want from someone we wish we look like. However, be pretty by appreciating your features. If you wanna glow up then go ahead and enhance your beauty. Do it for yourself. Do it with your better self as your ideal and not anyone.

"If beauty were time, you'd be eternity"

You are beautiful

You are strong

You are worth it!

Be confidently beautiful with a heart

$ 5.02
$ 4.98 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @jasglaybam
$ 0.01 from @Mictorrani
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Written by
2 years ago


the day before, my boyfriend said I wasn't pretty enough and it hurts me a lot. I find myself beautiful. I have blond hair, blue eyes. we don't have to be beautiful for everyone. everyone's perception of beauty is very different, and everyone is beautiful. the beauty of your soul is more valuable than anything else. i believe that I will be even more beautiful when I meet someone who really loves me. it makes it beautiful to love and be loved. everyone is beautiful.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I salute you for not settling for less. You deserve better gorgeous

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Those who will love you for what you are are worth keeping for.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your confidence and love of yourself will show through your aura. You are already beautiful!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Very well said! :))

$ 0.00
2 years ago