Why do people tend to forget your good deeds?

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Written by
2 years ago

Hey guys. It's been a while here. Don't mind me, I've really been busy with my studies all these while. So anytime I just barge in here to publish an article, just help me welcome it wholeheartedly. It hasn't been easy out there at college. To learn, study and comprehend those assessments given to us, it all takes time and knowledge.

Yeah, back to my blog, "why do people tend to forget your good deeds"?

As for me, I can vividly say that it's embedded in some people to stay wicked all time. Despite the advices and morals given to some people, they still choose to stay wicked to others becoming non-chalant about their background, age or sex. It's really a bad attitude though.

In some cases too, people decide to be wicked all because they find themselves in higher position or rank than others. They then decide to influence their power on others by inflicting them in one way or another.

Let me take you guys through a little scenario or story I listened to yesterday night on one of my favourite radio channels:

There once lived a great king of a particular land. . He once had ten wild dogs which he takes his precious time to breed and take care of them. His sole purpose of breeding those dogs was to make them torture and inflict injuries on any of his community member that go against his directives or opinions. He has been doing this for years.

One fateful day, one of his loyal chiefs came to him just to advice him on the way he inflicts injuries on people, that it's getting beyond measures. He further advised him to please stay off this bad attitude. As a wicked king, what do you expect, out of rage and anger, he appreciated his chief's advice by ordering his servants to feed his chief to his wild dogs. The chief then said to the King that " I served you for good ten years and yet you do this to me, please kindly spare my life for just three days so I can have some time with your wild dogs. The king agreed to his plea and the chief left the palace in a bad grief.

For those three days, the chief would spend most of his time feeding, bathing and providing all sorts of comforts for the dogs to the extent that the guards watching the dogs and the fellow members of the community became baffled the chief's late concern and care for the wild dogs.

Days passed, and it's time for the chief to be fed to the dogs. The king ordered as he normally do, and the chief was thrown to the wild dogs. But to the King's and everyone else present at the scene surprise, it was found that that ravenous dogs were just kicking the chief's feet and playing with him. And the king rose out of anger again asked the chief what he has done to his wild dogs that made them play with him like they're his pets.

And the chief humbly said to him that "I served your dogs for only three days and they didn't forget my service but, I served you for a whole ten years and you seem to forget all my services to you at my first mistake.

Then hearing this, the king came to realisation of his mistake and ordered the chief to be set free.


This is a message to those who tend to forget all the good deeds someone has done to them as soon as the person make a single mistake towards them.

Don't ruin your history filled with goodness just because of a mistake you don't cherish.

Hope we've learnt something new today. Thanks guys for your time. See you guys later.

@Rasaq 🤩🤩🤩

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Written by
2 years ago


We can never be the same. Some people will never forget those good deeds even with a mistake you commit, why there are those who tend to forget immediately, at a slight error. So, it all depends on our mindset and conscience.

I hope you are doing well in your studies? You should try balancing them up so you can have time too online.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

About my studies, thanks for checking up. I really appreciate. I would try and make adjustments

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, there are just few of those people that doesn't forget our good deeds while in the other hand, they're so much and we shouldn't be part of that program

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is really true. There are a lot of scenarios like that happened in real life my friend. One mistake can change and can erase those good things you did while serving them in just one mistake. I felt broken those people who experience it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Absolutely, I felt sorry for them too. And the most important thing there is that we shouldn't make ourselves the subject of the formula, in thr sense that we shouldn't be thr one on charge of the wickedness

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes my friend you're absolutely right.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, take care dear

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You also my friend. Always take care. Thank you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is what is happening currently in the society my dear friend. It so happens that if they need us they will remember us again.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, we should learn to cast away bad attitudes from our hearts

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope you are doing well with your studies, dear. Some people forget, and some people never. But it's the reality that we experience making a mistake once and people will forget all the good deeds that we did. Sad.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Really, I only thought they purposely forget them. So some didn't. We shouldn't be part of them either just because a single mistake. Thanks for your concern ma'am. It's a pleasure meeting you. How's Tia doing anyways?

$ 0.00
2 years ago