Papa's High Cholestrol....

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Couple of months ago, I saw my dad that he used to be in a very bad mood when he reaches home. And had very bad mood swings. Also he complained again and again that he felt pain in legs and tired that normal.

It was a daily routine then. At first I thought he might had a tough routine or improper diet may be the reason. But then after few days, everything was back to normal because he used pain killer and all that.

Then, right after I was back to home from hostel early this month. Mum told me that he is complaning again. I checked his BP and it was normal i.e 120/80. Then, I thought what should be the reason. I thought it was most likely symptoms of high cholestrol. Well, I insisted him to visit our family doctor. Day before Yesterday he did blood tests and Yes! I was correct. The cholestrol level had crossed the border line unfortunately. As I am very very concerned about Papa's health. So, I decided to deal the matter.

I contacted the doctor Sir Dr Ashfaq , senior medical specialist. He told me the whole story. According to him " presence of too much fattyacids in blood is called high cholestrol". He updated me about the whole health condition. Also gave me a diet chart verbally. Through, that diet chart we will be able to control the cholestrol level.

Doctor also recommended exercise and walk. Similarly he perscribed tablet Rovista to control and lower cholestrol level. Dad brough the medicine and started to take the medications.

Later on, I though to search more about how to get rid of cholestrol. So, I searched on google. I wanted to go for some sort of home remedies. And also to have complete knowledge about what is good and bad for Dad.

In this regard, I visited different websites and utube videos. I frequently contacted the nutritionist regarding this.

I came a cross a special kind of tea.

The recipe was :

  1. Ginger ( crushed )

  2. Lemon

  3. Extracted lemon juice

  4. Lemon grass

  5. Water

Take a glass of water in a pot and keep it on boiling , add crushed ginger about to half table spoon. Then add the lemon peel off and lemon grass. Bring to boil. Take two table spoon of lemon juice in a glass and add the tea. Mix it well

Use this tea for 45 days. And this will control and get rid of fatty acid in blood.

After all this, I am trying my best to take care of my Papa. To me , he is everything.

Please all readers....

Take care of your parents and stay concerned about their health.

Stay blessed.

$ 0.02
$ 0.01 from @CrazyWrites
$ 0.01 from @Danimahesa


High cholesterol makes our heads feel dizzy, so when we feel our cholesterol, we immediately consult a doctor. However, each person's cholesterol symptoms will be different, depending on their immune system.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh ! Thankyou so much for giving the information. That means alot

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I pray for his speedy recovery. May Allah bless him & I got alot of information from your article.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm glad to hear that you got information. The pictures I shared took them from google. Thankyou

$ 0.00
2 years ago

May your father get fast recovery and good health. You must focus on the instructions of the doctor and take care of your father.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thankyou so much. It means alot

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Am wishing him all the best and sincerely we really need to care for our parents, its a privilege to still have them alive

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly. Thankyou so much

$ 0.00
2 years ago