What do I really want from life?

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Avatar for Probinsyana
2 years ago

Life is truly unpredictable, it is full of surprises. Pure happiness is rare to find, especially when all we see is the journey that is full of challenges. Maybe, for now I can't see any reason to smile or laugh co'z trust me it's hard to do so when negative things are running through my head. Just like anyone else, I'm drained, exhausted mentally and having this mental breakdown made me even more weak. Enough with my drama, let's get ahead to the q&a that I read from @GarrethGrey07.

Do I like who I am right now?

Would I lie if I tell you, I don't like anymore? Maybe for now, I'm just tired of loving the real me. Nothing special, nothing to be proud of, nothing fun. It's just pure sadness and I don't like the feeling of this one.

When was the last laugh I laughed so hard?

I don't know when, but it's been days, weeks or even months since I last laughed with tears. I miss the feeling of not thinking how unfair life is.

What would I truly regret not doing if I died tonight?

Life is unpredictable, so maybe if I die today then I would regret not showing how my loved ones mean a lot to me as I'm focused on the negativity I felt right here, right now.

What would I do if my biggest fear came true?

Then I can't do anything about it, I'm just afraid to die without leaving any important lessons or good deeds. I'm frightened to just disappear without telling my family and special loved one "I love you".

What would I do with my remaining days if I had only a year left to live?

Maybe I'll do everything that makes me happy, I do things that I never did before so at least before I die I don't have any regrets. I'll be living the happiest day of my life without thinking what will come next.

Why am I afraid of being true to myself when others are around?

Am I lying if I tell you I'm afraid to be true? To be honest, I was once afraid to show the real me co'z I know not everyone will accept me for who I am. I'm not the usual me who just goes with the flow or a woman who can be friends to anyone co'z sometimes I am the opposite. But now, I'm not frightened anymore, I can show who the real me, whether they accept me or not. I realize that the real friends will accept and the others will reject, besides I'm not born to be perfect, I'm born to be real and I can't please anyone so why would I try?

What do I really want from life?

All my life, I just want to live my life to the fullest, where sadness or problems didn't happen, where I can be me and live life full of happiness. I just want to be happy, why is it difficult to find?

Must I take other people's advice?

It depends on who gives me the advice, not all people will help me to overcome it, some are just pretending to be one but the plan is to drag me down. So maybe if it's my family who said so, then I'll follow, if not then maybe I doubt it.

Am I worthy of being loved?

Everyone deserves to love no matter what it is. So I guess I deserve it too, I may not be perfect.

Is my definition of success the same as everyone else?

I don't know, but for me success doesn't matter on how big the mansion may be, how thick the wallet it may be or how many cars they are driving. Success is when we find true happiness and contentment in life, it doesn't always mean money sometimes it means being happy.

I'm just choosing some questions here, so it's up to you to answer it all or just pick randomly.

Lead image is taken from steemkr.com

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Avatar for Probinsyana
2 years ago


I think you need to spend time alone and also with nature...then spend time with those that matters to you as well because I am not happy with the fact that you haven't laughed deep in a long while.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Maybe, but I'll find the right time until I am fully heal

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's the best...heal first.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

How about show it to them now? Why not make them feel how important and how mu h you love them? Life is unpredictable yeah so we should really do bos what we can do para lang maipadama natin sa kanila.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I'm not that vocal to tell them, but I tried to show them

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I can't even recall as well my last real laugh. It's been a while and I miss it. Most of my laughters right now are all fake hehe.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Same sis

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Himo ko article ani sis ha. Hehe. What is genuine happiness diay? That way, you'll know how far you should work for it para ma achieve?

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I think it's high time you change your thinking about life and begin to be positive. As you said life is full of surprises and good things are part of it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Success for me is every little achievement and happiness 😇💕

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yieee ❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah we all deserve to be loved

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I couldn't tell where did I laugh hard but I'm sure that I laughed.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Maybe it's been a long time co'z we both forget it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Maminaw diay kag advice? HAHAHAH

$ 0.00
2 years ago

depende sa tao ug sa mood nako😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago