From the very first of our childhood we learnt one thing that "Money can not buy happiness". But is it applicable for all kinds of man? Does this proverb suits all?
I doubt! Because, if a person does not have enough or sufficient money to live how can he be happy? A child of slums may looks happy, may looks be in an incredible joy. But how long he will remain happy? When he will not get proper food or proper residence, when he will not meet his needs, he will turn out to be a beggar, thief, smuggler. This shortness and lackings of money will turn him from an innocent child or person to a lucifer.
According to me, this proverb suits to men who live in abundance, lead a life surrounding by immense wealth but does not have anyone to share his personal life, happiness, sorrow.
One example also come to my mind about me. My parents are feeding me, bearing my expenses but still i can not be happy. Because i do not have my own income, my own penny. Sometimes it seems the world is surrounded by money. Without money we barely can do anything.
All this for now. Though I do not know others will agree or not. Thanks for reading the post.
Actually, I am raised money does make happy. You need to work hard and save, save, and save for later. It is what generations before me was told and why they work hard and saved and... why so many are "angry" because they work hard their entire life and now need to give it away to those who never did. Never saved for the day they became older.