Easy on a Monday

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Avatar for Pichi28
2 years ago

Let us take it easy on a Monday, shall we?

I was entertained by @Ruffa 's article and realized I can answer some of her questions in the ending part. Yes, of course, I weigh the questions and briefly answer them in a draft in my head before assessing if I can use it for an article.

Her article did bring me back on how I started in this platform. I remember starting in noise and then checking read and then not getting back to it until I got to interact with some people. I started out testing the waters with some ten articles. Just getting the feel of what this platform is about.

This article being my favorite as testing the platform also means testing the communities and how sensitive they are with their rules. I submitted it to some short story community and true enough they were strict with grammar. Thing is with creative writing, you play with the rules sometimes. I played with making "I" the main character and using "I" in the middle of sentences will raise red flags for grammar check.

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Then as interactions in noise bring you to meet friends there who are also here, I was encouraged by @Bloghound to write some more by joining prompts. That was fun, too.

Then after that, I felt at ease with what to blabber about. I enjoyed the interaction and it became a must part of the day. I remember racing unintentionally, with @Eylz2021 and Bloghound to click the publish button.

Then exploring other users' work, and also feeling a little more at ease in exploring the new ones coming in, I realized, most starters always had an introduction. I did not. I suppose I do not like introductions.

>Tell us something about yourself. Just a little bit of information to know you. For starter, what's your nickname? Your hobby? ....

So reading this part from Ruffa's article got me laughing and maybe I can shell out a few information. My nickname is PICHI28 as most of you know it is very far from my real name which is Lois. As for hobby I think I can't deny watching Netflix but my topmost hobby would be daydreaming. Very necessary for when I start writing.

>How did you discover read.cash?

I read a post about it in noise. I then checked it out. I created an account. I explored, did not know what to do. I did not write until few days or weeks (can't remember) after I created my account. Wrote a few ten articles before getting visited by the rewarder I think. And I interacted after then, too. I did not know how it works so interacting barely was in my vocabulary starting out.

>Where were you before you discover read.cash?

Earth. Sector 54. IP address 192. kidding. I was in noise mostly. Home. Perfect getaway and an additional therapy for when we started getting locked down. Perfect hideout.

>Do you like blogging?

Yes. I had other blogs but they don't earn. Blogging is pretty much my online diary. I rarely share items in public either. When most of my office colleagues also started blogging they know my thoughts through the late Multiply. Then there's Wordpress and then Tabulas.

just this two peeking in and asking how are you so far?

>Do you know Cryptocurrency?

Yes. Saw it in those lazy games for simulating mining. They use bitcoin as the game's currency. And I'm just busy playing the game then. It was not until I downloaded coins.ph that I got to really know that the bitcoin was real. But if the question is if I UNDERSTAND CRYPTOCURRENCY FULLY WELL, I'd honestly say no. I only know them as something I can exchange fiat for and start investing on and then convert back to fiat. Fiat. I only know about fiat when I was already interacting with other cryptoheads in noise.

>What's your first Cryptocurrency?

BTC and ETH. Because I know of nothing else when I started. I only knew of BCH when I started to join noise.

>In 6 words, how are you?

I am grand, awesome and chill.

The advantage of reading through other's articles is that you get an idea yourself for what to write, too.

What is your story?

© Pichi28 | #ClubBrokeBCH

All Original Content

Unless specified otherwise...

$ 4.33
$ 4.05 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @mommykim
$ 0.05 from @Meyzee
+ 5
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Avatar for Pichi28
2 years ago


So nauna ka pala sa noise...di ko alam ha akala ko nauna ka dito before mo na discover ang noise kasi kaka one year lang nang noise

ma try nga rin to hihih

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Multiply, it seems I've tried that too, or maybe I just created an account. You have come a long way sis and you are rocking it!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have heard of Multiply and probably had an account there too. Regarding blogging, I wanted to create a travel blog/page before platforms like this came into fruition. I was impressed by those who earn from such. Then came bubblews and my plan of setting up a page was forgotten.

Maybe I'll answer these questions too although some of it have already been answered before.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's a good thing that you're awesome and chill...what a good way to begin the new month.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeeeyy I'll surely make my version of this hahaha wala ako ma topic eh

$ 0.00
2 years ago

this is cool.. i have also joined noise before i joined read.. so I am saving this prompt for future reference! thanks!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's a long story. You clicked and found yourself here. We all got an amazing content creator.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I learned of read.cash before noise. It was the points system back then, I think. Didn't sign up then. Noise came along, and since there was BCH and short posts were good enough, I joined that. It's been a good ride. I finally took the plunge and signed up with RC. Did an intro piece (and luckily) caught Random Rewarder's attention. I was pleased and motivated. Still here...

$ 0.00
2 years ago