Why You don't earn much on your article.
Hello there, and welcome again to the phyio's articles. It is my third article on read. Cash. The reason for the title above was born out of a need to help most people on the platform to optimize chances of earning more on each article they post. Is it really difficult? No! It is just about following the lay down guideline and rules of read. Cash as well as some important technical steps. This is what we shall be seeing throughout the length of this article. Are you ready? Let's go! . .
*Quality of the article; the quality of an article entails a whole lot. From the selection of the articles topic to the content and how engaging the content are. And also the proper application of punctuations at the right places. Paragraphing too is not left out. The combination of all above would bring clarity to texts and improve readability. Writing quality articles with a combination of few more things which i would be revealing, would boost your chances of earning on a single article.
*Content; there is the popular saying that "content is king. " before writing any article you must have plans. What should you have in the content plan? The audience, their expectation, and satisfying their curiosity. All these have to be cemented in the context in a way that makes it really interesting and entertaining. But, the is something we are missing out; the content must be highly engaging too.
*Engaging other writers articles; to optimize chances of being rewarded on your efforts here on this platform, you also need to engage other people's post. To engage their post, you need to contribute meaningfully in the comment. Ask reasonable questions, Give your idea or opinion about the topic of discussion. Often, many commenter make mistakes when engaging other people's post. They go on commenting in a way they are used to on FB or other social media platform. Commenting on read. Cash is slightly different. To comment, be sure to read beyond the tittle. It is understandable that you may have limited time going through many articles. The best way to go is commenting on few article like say, two or maybe three before taking your attention to other stuffs. Be sure to always contribute meaningfully and avoid words like wow! Yes! I agree, congratulations. If necessary to use them at all, then use in a way that they naturally falls in your opinion and not faking it or doing it simply because you want to comment and not because you need to comment. Please, get the different.
*Keep to the rules; Keeping to the rules of read. Cash is are very important steps towards receiving handsome rewards on each article you post. Many writers spend so much time writing tonnes of articles without getting rewarded simply because they do not stick to the rules. Or maybe they keep to some but breaking just one rule. If earning constant rewards is what you look to for your articles then you must keep to all the rules. It would be best to see the rules guiding article writing on the platform, to stay abreast to the dos and donts.
*Follow-up; do not just post an article and go fold your arms to relax. Follow-up and observe the attention which your post is attracting. Give answers to sincere questions on your post. See the classes of people the post have attracted and gauge their level of understanding through their comments. This would help in subsequent article. Did you ask how? Ok, this is it; taking all the above data, it would help you to write an article that would be more result oriented than in the previous articles.
It is my greatest hope that you as much as you desire on read. Cash. And i hope you have learnt some few tips on been rewarded on this platform on each article that you post, consistently.
Thanks a lot for these tips .