Technology and screens do wonders for our society; they connect us with people, information, and make life easier. But technology and screens also harm our brains, causing problems such as decreased empathy, poor problem solving ability and an inability to focus. The increased prevalence of Internet-connected devices has given rise to concerns about the quality of time many people are spending on them. Some research indicates, that the blue light emitted from these devices serves to hasten sleep patterns, while others say that it actually inhibits sleep, repairs the brain and stimulates learning. For this reason, it's important to take extra precautions to get the healthiest screen time you can get.
Effects Of Screen Time
The effects of screens on the brain have been a popular topic recently. The use of technology in our lives has become increasingly widespread and it's clear, that it's having a negative impact on our brains.
The primary way that screens are believed to be affecting our brains is by creating a cycle of excessive use and withdrawal. Withdrawal occurs, when a person stops using a given device for an extended period of time. This cycle causes the brain to go through a process of physical, chemical and mental changes. The brain is able to adapt to this type of cycle; after a prolonged amount of time without use, the brain often times grows used to these changes and is less affected by them.
However, if the withdrawal is extreme enough or a new cycle of use begins before the body or brain adapts, the result can be very negative. A number of studies have shown, that the brains of people who spend an excessive amount of time using a screen are physically different, than those who spend less. These changes can include decreased size, increased appearance of blood vessels, and even an actual physical change in the brain's structure. If the cycle of use and withdrawal continues, there can be long lasting effects on the brain's performance and function.
The Affections We Can't Fail To Receive
Of course, the effects of screens on the brain are only one of many factors, that can cause us to be less effective at work and school. Many other contributors to decreased performance are present in most people's daily routines. Lack of motivation, apathy, anxiety, nervousness and stress are just a few examples. It's not always easy to identify, but when we do fail to maintain good performance, there are often clear indicators present.
With respect to screens, there is the problem of decreased focus. When a person is unable to concentrate, it can be difficult to get work done. Furthermore, many people rely on their phones or computers for work, study and even entertainment. If they are not available to them, people often times feel anxious or even panicked. This can manifest into an inability to focus, which can have negative consequences.
It's also not uncommon for this decrease in performance to be a precursor to a more serious condition. Many times, people who experience serious cases of screen addiction eventually end up abusing illicit drugs or even having psychotic episodes.
A Note On How To Spot These Effects
Sometimes, people who are addicted to screens may appear to be perfectly fine to those around them. This is because the signs and symptoms of addiction are normally only present, when a person has a severe case of the condition. If you think that you or someone you know may have a problem, there are a few different ways that can be determined.
The first and most basic way to tell is the person's reaction to the usage. If a person tends to get angry or frustrated when they don't have access to their device, it's very possible that they are using their device excessively.
The second way is by observing their physical behavior. Overusing a device can cause the hand-eye coordination to become impaired, as well as other physical changes. These changes can be determined if an individual experiences problems with their dexterity or balance. These can range from depression, to anger, to various types of anxiety.
Yet another thing to pay attention to is the content of a person's conversations. If an individual constantly complains of feeling stressed, tired, or anxious, it could be indicative of a problematic computer or phone use.
Blue Light And How It Affects Our Brains
Blue light is emitted from electronic screens and has been known to have a negative effect on the sleep cycle and brain function. The circadian rhythm of an individual can be greatly affected by the screen use. This can be an issue as the desire to remain awake is much stronger, than the desire to go to sleep.
As a result, many people find themselves lying in bed awake, yet their body demands sleep. Because of this, it is not uncommon for a person's sleep cycle to shift by as much as 12 hours. This throws off the natural sleeping routine the body is used to, and can leave a person feeling very groggy or even nauseous.
When too much of it is emitted, it interferes with the production of melatonin in the brain. Melatonin is a hormone responsible for the regulation of the sleep cycle. When this occurs, it creates a sleep cycle at odds with the cycle the brain naturally follows. As a result, sleep can become more difficult, and may not come at all.
Ways To Protect Your Brain From Screen Harm
To help minimize the harmful effects of blue light, it is important to reduce the time spent looking at screens. The brain has a natural tendency to unconsciously look at anything within eyesight. This is particularly true for electronic devices, as the blinking or changing of content on a screen can be very alluring.
It has been known to use blue blocking glasses or tinted lenses. These can help reduce some of the blue light that is being emitted by the screen. A drawback to this is that the glasses can make it difficult to see or can be uncomfortable to wear.
Another common way of protecting against blue light is through software. There are many applications available, that can block the blue light from screens. Some can be downloaded and used on any system, while others are system specific. These applications can vary in effectiveness.
Yet another way to protect against blue light is through the modification of the content displayed on the screen. This can help by making the display more boring, meaning that the screen's content is less likely to capture the attention of the viewer.
As a general rule, it is best to avoid using the computer or phone for anything other than what is necessary. When possible, it's best to reduce the use of devices to only a few hours per day.
The overall effect of too much blue light is to greatly reduce the quality of life. As a result, in many cases, it is possible to determine if someone is addicted to screen use simply by observing their daily behavior. If someone complains of feeling tired or groggy when they wake up, or they spend too much time during the day staring at a screen, it's likely they've overindulged in digital entertainment.
If someone has started to neglect their sleep cycle, or display unusual physical changes, it's time to make an intervention. This can be as complex or as simple as desired. The simplest way is to take their device away and provide them with an alternative. If that doesn't work, offering them with an app or a software-based filter might be enough. If that doesn't work, there are blue blocker glasses that can be used.
If someone is displaying a range of emotional issues, which seems to be the case for most, then it's best to limit screen time to a maximum of 2-3 hours per day.
That's why I get my eyes checked up as I really feel something wrong with my eyes. And now, I have a new glasses for anti radiation and anti blue light as I am facing the computer plus my phone for 9 to 12 hours a day.