Reddit Blocks Read.Cash-Noise.Cash Links & Previous Events

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2 years ago

I don't get it.

There are some people gone mad because Read.Cash writers promote their work on Reddit. We promote our work on Twitter too. Are you going to report us and ask Twitter to ban Read.Cash links?

Yet, there are also YouTube videos, Tweet links, articles from other websites, and anything else published on Reddit with no disagreement.

Source: Twitter

We publish our links to our BCH-related material on Reddit BCH sub-forums, although some have a personal vendetta with other Read.Cash members and because they didn’t win the argument, they started a crusade against Read.Cash links on Reddit. Just to feed their egos. Hope you are all happy with the recent developments.

I’ve found too many comments like the one below on some posts by Read.Cash users.

I didn’t find any such comment in my Reddit posts (they were also just links), and I’ve tried to test this for a long time, yet, it seems these were directed to selected Read.Cash users because of a personal vendetta.

Comments like this one:


This is just a personal vendetta, started by ex-member @D.B.Cooper and had to do with the number of tips another Read.Cash user (@alberdioni8406) was receiving and giving back.

This is the top Reddit post though, again by the same user (CDSagain) that gained too much publicity just because people love drama.


The whole argument of this post is about a personal feud between @D.B.Cooper and @alberdioni8406 , started by @D.B.Cooper who is now removed from Read.Cash for valid reasons.

TL;TR: CDSagain (probably also D.B.Cooper) is pretty much done with Bitcoin Cash (according to his Reddit post) because a writer on Read.Cash made 6-7 BCH which according to CDSagain was not deserved.

The argument of abandoning Bitcoin Cash, because someone posts links on Reddit with his Read.Cash articles, is more than unreasonable. Makes absolutely zero sense and I'm amazed this post on Reddit reached such high numbers of upvotes.

It is also quite suspicious that this friction led to the amplification of a drama and perhaps eventually to Read.Cash and Noise.Cash links removal from Reddit.

I have suspicions (but no evidence) to believe that this Reddit decision was taken after reports by Reddit users.

I will provide my opinion on this feud, which I also expressed earlier more diplomatically, having an approach of trying to calm things down.

The reason given by D.B.Cooper was Alberioni should have contributed more with tips, something that I find irrelevant to start a crusade against any person. Simply, block him if you don't like it. It takes a certain degree of "not having anything else to do" to constantly harass someone online.

So, this is what this Reddit post is about. Something that is totally irrelevant to Bitcoin Cash, very little relevant to Read.Cash, and yet it became a great drama for the community, more posts were added and eventually D.B.Cooper flipped and personally attacked with foul language against Alberioni, without a provocation.

Whatever the quality or the concept of the articles Alberioni creates, it is still not plagiarism, and I also found it strange that D.B.Cooper didn't even care for those that were plagiarising and earning but attacked someone that was at least creating his content.

By the way, I enjoy the content of Alberioni and find it to be informative and often contains a high value for me. Instead, the content of D.B.Cooper was just about gardening, relaxing, drinking beers, and grilling. I don't know how this was adding value to the Bitcoin Cash community and Alberioni wasn't, since it seems that this is the core concept behind the criticism on Reddit. links were spam for the subreddits?

I found another comment that I don't understand exactly the thought process, here:

Just to let @ShadowOfHarbringer know, no matter the views that Reddit brings, users will still get paid according to the algorithm. The views, as we know are not the most important part. I write it again in this post that even if you make 1000 views another post with just 50 will probably get the same rewards.

But again, if the rules of Reddit subcommunities are broken then posts should be removed. Which community rules were broken and how is it that all of the sudden is "spam"?


So, links are spam? I'd like to know more about this position and if it is now better that no spam pollutes r/btc. If the links were spam, then I guess it was against the rules of the community and should have been removed immediately all this time.

Are the YouTube links also spam?

The Twitter links?

The Medium links?

Or are these platforms considered to be so popular that the content creators are more important there? You know I am on Medium too, if I publish my Medium posts on r/btc they will be considered spam?

What about any other information on Reddit that is only presented by a link and a title? Is this spam? There should also be a plan about these too then, shouldn't it?

Frankly, I wouldn't care to write an article about this. 

If this was the decision from r/btc and r/bitcoincash, I would respect it and move on without writing anything about it.

However, the result was the Reddit forum shadow banning all Read.Cash and Noise.Cash links. So, now, we can't publish any Read.Cash or Noise.Cash link anywhere on Reddit, it is immediately shadow-banned.

The Result:

Reddit completely blocks now all Read.Cash and Noise.Cash links. Great job on supporting Bitcoin Cash initiatives. As I expected, some are so mindless that would put their ego above anything creative and promising, and would prefer to see it having less publicity since they failed completely to attract readers with their material.

I hope you are all happy now.

If you ever enjoyed my content, it will never be visible on Reddit again. Obviously, Reddit is better for everybody, and with the new Ethereum upgrades integration, it would become a lovely platform to keep writing.

When I fail at anything I have two options before me.

  • Either abandon all hope and silently quit, or

  • Try again harder the next time.

I barely quit, though. This is my personality, I am a fighter and don't give up. Yet, there is another category of people, though.


These guys will not try again, but will always find an excuse for their failures and will just try with various methods to create a negative image for the rest. These are the sore losers, bitter, aggressive, and completely HOPELESS. Acting like maniacs and, of course, as usual, running to Reddit (the troll forum) to vent their frustrations.

Misconception: Read.Cash Views Give More Tips (They don’t).

What this user in Reddit did was create the impression that we are getting rewarded heftily by the 20-30 Reddit clicks, but this is completely wrong.

Tips on Read.Cash don’t work like this. Maybe there is a factor that could increase rewards a little, but this is not like that. Some posts have 800 views and the rewarder didn’t pay them more than articles containing 50 views. It is unfair to say that we publish our posts on Reddit to earn more money.

I’ve been far from Reddit for two months after I deleted my first account. I don’t like Reddit to be frank, because of all the trolls and the non-constructive approach, far too many commentators have. Reddit is mostly a gathering of all professional spammers and trolls of the internet, where they fight on their egos and count sizes. It is a social experiment on how to reduce internet trolling on all websites, by centralizing it in just one forum.

I find Reddit a TOTAL WASTE OF TIME, and I also find the conversations there to be mostly pointless, distractive, and annoying.

I had articles rewarded with $20 and they just had 50 views. And at the same time $10 in tips in other articles that have 500 views. Just to let this sink in, because there seems to be some kind of misunderstanding that we are abusing the r/btc and r/bitcoincash communities.

I intend to have more readers. I am not writing for only a few people but want to have more followers and plenty of readers and comments.

If it was about the money, I wouldn't link my content to Reddit, since I am not earning more tips for the reasons I stated above. I've been far from Reddit for two months and my posts were doing equally great.

There is a side-income coming from the tips, it is the same at Medium, the same at Hive, the same at any other platform that pays, or used to pay.

Aren't there YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and any other social media or forum articles presented with links on Reddit? Was Read.Cash and Noise.Cash so important to consider as spam and support the removal of them?

If my posts and my writing is not worthy, then most of the BCH community has Read.Cash account, if not just make one it takes half a minute. Comment on my links on Reddit and tell me that I broke the community rules. I have never read such a comment though. Yet, there had been thoughts and a plan to change them. I respect it but was this outcome the desired one that will help the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem.

I am not going to join Reddit and create content there. Not anyone else from Read.Cash or Noise.Cash will. Most despise Reddit and find it a shill and spam-infested place. Moreover, Reddit is only a forum.

Read.Cash IS NOT a forum

Some developers provide some good intel there, but whatever Reddit is, it is just a forum. Designed for short Q&A posts and not for an elaborate 5-25 minute reading material that will cover details. Do you really expect me or anyone else to abandon Read.Cash or Medium or Hive and start publishing content on r/btc to increase the quality of a subreddit?

Read.Cash is not a forum. It is a writing/blogging platform similar to Medium. It is not even similar to Hive, which is also used mostly for 1-2 minute reading time material.

The approach of Read.Cash attracts more professional writers, those that understand how to structure an essay and create a write-up that will attract and keep the interest of readers.

I tried two approaches with Reddit - Both failed

I don't even know why I have to write all of this, and why some in the Bitcoin Cash community considered Read.Cash links to be spam.

I tried two approaches with Reddit and both seem to have failed.

a) With the previous account that I have now deleted (for various reasons), I tried giving an introduction to my post, perhaps one paragraph with 4-5 lines. It failed since everyone was only reading the introduction and trying to respond to the 2-3% of the whole argument I was making.

95% of the comments and questions had already been answered in my article, yet, I had to respond once again with what I've already elaborated within the article. They were just not reading the Read.Cash article, but commenting on the title or the introduction.

b) The second approach I tried, was what everybody else from Read.Cash was doing. Just push the Reddit link button and only publish on Reddit the link and title to my Read.Cash post.

I barely commented on any question and always redirected the user to read the article on Read.Cash and ask anything on Read.Cash if they wanted.

This worked far better, and I got just a few irrelevant comments on Reddit. As I explained above, Reddit is a forum, not a platform for content creators.

Why would I ever write 10-20 minutes of reading time material for a troll-infested forum that would never be appreciated?

In conclusion

I have to apologize to my readers for this rant. It seems that we can't get a grip lately.

It is better to work together towards a common goal with certain rules set for every sub-community of Bitcoin Cash but sometimes I just don't understand people.

I consider it to be an unfortunate event to see and links shadow-banned from Reddit. Maybe those that were considering it differently should rethink their approach and where they went wrong.

Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, any kind of bs platform links are allowed on Reddit. But Read.Cash and Noise.Cash are not.

Maybe consider that taking 6-8 hours to create a quality article is not spam and respect the content creators.

Reddit certainly didn't respect anything.

If Reddit users want to keep in touch with any one of us, now they are not able through Reddit.

I suggest bookmarking Read.Cash, perhaps bookmark those writers that you want to follow and occasionally visit us.

Maybe, there will be value in our work you won't find on Reddit. Or maybe we can all just quit if the community decides we are just creating spam and not helping with the cause of Bitcoin Cash.


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$ 20.16
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2 years ago


I've been reading about reddit but haven't joined. With that kind of environment, I'm glad I haven't.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I have reddit account but I've never been a Reddit user. I try to stay away from sites full of toxic users.It's unfortunate what Reddit has done. And that's just one more reason why I'm not interested in an account there.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have known of Reddit for many, many years, but have never once used it. As for what goes on there, that seems to be rampant in most social media, is part of the reason I personally have no interest in it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I check reddit just for reading stories from other people. I also benefitted from their beermoney subreddits. When I first started at noise and read, I tried looking for posts on reddit about these two sites. I was wondering why there aren't a lot of posts despite them being legit sources of income. Now I know why.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

beermoney subreddits

Do you mean the r/cryptocurrency tokens? I felt it was too many shills there. Didn't want to be part of that subreddit.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ahora se porque no hay tanta fuente de ingreso a pesar de ser legítimas en reddit. He leído pero por suerte para mi nada que ver con unirme a él. Cada día aprendemos algo nuevo. Y es que debemos escribir con el objetivo de que guste y aportemos algo en conocimiento. Linda noche Bello amigo

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Es cosa extraña eso de la prohibición de los enlaces de estas dos plataformas y a las demás no.

Solo estoy por aquí y en Noise, empezando y aprendiendo de todo un poco y este artículo me ha orientado en varias cosas y que lo importante es publicar con el objetivo de cada vez tengamos más suscriptores que nos apoyen en lo que escribimos.

En eso ando, espero algún día tener publicaciones que tengan el alcance que tienes.

Pronto saber más sobre el BCH y las plataformas que la apoyan.


Otra cosa me gusto la forma en la que terminas tu artículo, con esos enlaces de tus otras páginas. Me gustaría aprender como se hace y ponerlo en mis artículos, pero que no se vea como un plagio, sino que uno aprende de los que lo están haciendo bien.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is against opportunity of thought. Individuals ought to separate: and stages are not speedy adaptation or publicizing stages. These stages are data and thought sharing stages. It is the same as other web-based media stages. This kind of boycott is really crazy. Likewise, and stages are two vital BCH projects. In the event that we can't discuss them on the BCH subreddit, what are we going to talk about.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is against freedom of thought. People should differentiate: and platforms are not quick monetization or advertising platforms. These platforms are information and thought sharing platforms. It is no different from other social media platforms. This type of ban is pretty ridiculous. In addition, and platforms are two very important BCH projects. If we can't talk about them on the BCH subreddit, what are we going to talk about?

Also, thank you for your article and status updates. Good work.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Yeah I noticed that views didn't really add much to the bot reward. Anyway didn't know our posts are now banned on reddit. That's sad. I've only posted a couple of links there so no biggie. However them totally banning the links are just unfortunate. They are just envious maybe because they have their own coin too... Aside from being reported to them.

I think I saw that DBCooper username arnd here or noise. Didn't know he's an ex member now though. Lol I am just not always up to date with issues around here. 😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah I also left because my account was spammed without an offence

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That why I left the reddit, many toxic people are all around. Banning and just show how jealous they are (my opinion). We can survive without reddit.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Certainly we will survive, it is just a sad moment to realize how power corrupts and a question about the future. Is it going to be like that? Anyone will be just blocking innovation so easily? What about reddit itself. Why not other websites block it completely then?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This seriously pisses me off! But you know what? I believe Read.Cash and Noise.Cash are going to survive even if they get BLOCKED for no good reason! In this world we always gotta deal with the haters and those who want to hold you back. It's nothing new.

Unfortunately, NOW I need to up date one of my articles. I was bragging and telling everybody that they could share their links everywhere. That was before this happened. I guess I have to say: "Everywhere EXCEPT Reddit."

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Reddit made a foul here. There is growing censorship in all online media having employeed the wrong people for a delicate task. It is infuriating but it is now a platform that doesn't exist for me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I probably should not be that upset for myself because I hardly ever use Reddit anyway. But I know that a lot of other people do! A LOT! That's what pisses me off! Anyway! Moving on .... 😀

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Life and online platforms is so easy to benefit from,but humans make things soo complicated,its sad that we let our personal differences dampen the mind and heart of other sincere users and also ruin their chances of user friendliness.

Many users spend time and money on these platforms,they share useful information,they motivate and inspire others with great content and also purge negative emotions.

How can one individual's mistake affect the lives of countless users...I hope this fued is resolved soon,life is too short to be bantering about irrelevant issues that could be easily resolved through peaceful dialogue or common sense and courtesy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What sort of nonsense reason is that? So the people that contribute to r/btc are spam? I have always said Reddit is a toxic and biased platform but i never thought they would go this far to show it

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I've never been a Reddit user. I try to stay away from sites full of toxic users. I learned of the problem between Cooper and Alberdoni, and it was unfortunate that it all ended in a personal fight. I think it is beneficial for the community to pay it forward. But that cannot be forced, and everyone has the right to act according to their liking and not, therefore, receive personal insults by their choices.

It's unfortunate what Reddit has done. And that's just one more reason why I'm not interested in an account there.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Reddit has some good parts, like some communities that discuss mysteries and some stories from the dark web, etc. It is fun for this, but it has also became the most toxic platform online.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Cross posting is perfectly legal. In fact, even Splinterlands promotes cross posting via its weekly social media challenge. I do not understand why or links are banned while others are not. If a user is creating unnecessary spam, punish the user not the entire website.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Completely agree. I don't understand Reddit to have a clear opinion, but at whatever side I look at it, it is an unreasonable decision.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I believe this is one of those trials we are to face in this unfortunate world especially with those that don't like the fact that our dear are making so much waves but we'll overcome these turbulent periods I guess. It's just so natural in this life that some will like you no matter what while to some, you are always hated irrespective of how hard you may try to make it work

$ 0.00
2 years ago

nice, real nice,

I was even planning on writing an article about this ( title: Why is there so much hatred towards Bitcoin Cash on Reddit, Twitter, and Facebook? ). But I think this post says it all.

Some might say that they hate BCH because of the actions of some supporters who are spamming links & memes about BCH everywhere. While this argument makes sense to a certain degree, it is not the reason why Bitcoin cash has are so many haters. ( example- like what CDSagain stated in his comments).

And looking at the images above, I have come to realize that most of these people don't even know what Bitcoin Cash is, nor do they care about it. one example is a comment made by Jacob Lloyd a user on Quora -

Am not trying to alarm anyone with any mindset but racism is every including cryptocurrency they hate the coin yet they don't have any valid reason nor have they providing any solid arguments.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don't consider it to be spam to notify others about having a new article or a new video created.

This is how content creators work. It takes many hours for every one of us to create something unique and we offer it to the community for approval.

It can be disaproved too and with the comments we find if we need to improve somewhere or we offered incomplete information. It is sad to see that a forum has blocked two other platforms that could have went along really well instead.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I WAS interested and planNED join Reddit. But I.guess it's in the past now. I guess there is no point for doing so.

Thanks for this.

$ 0.10
2 years ago

I don't see a reason either right now. A terrible decision by Reddit.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

And you are right. The more pressing concern is the number of spun articles that exist here. Some even go through the extent of passing their articles through plagiarism checkers but fail to cite the source(s) of the facts/ research that they included in their posts.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I have blocked more than 50 people just to keep my samity at place. If they even pass plagiarism checkers and still are plagiarizing then they are hopeless.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, I think they are on your block list. The irony is, plagiarism checkers are used by plagiarists to check if their version of the content is no longer classified as plagiarized.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is a double standard. Links to are banned because the authors on get tips (and possibly affiliate payments), but on the other hand it is allowed to tip with Chainlink on Reddit. lol

I've had it with Reddit for a long time anyway. Too many toxic people there.

$ 0.25
2 years ago

I don't get it also, I always post links of my articles here in read cash to reddit, the views really helps, but how come reddit doing this where in fact they use BCH also in chaintip. 😬😅

$ 0.05
2 years ago

They allow YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and any other links but decided Read.Cash and Noise.Cash is spam and should be shadowbanned. It is inconceivable.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your right idol., I personally taught reddit was like a hub of all blogs hehe, because it almost a mix of all stuff's. Like almost everything hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Im also encountered one of the list of spammers on my old account but I didn't quit because what I like it most here I gained more ideas about bitcoin especially reading your articles and other writers.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My dear, probably this is because you replied out of topic. It happens that people don't like comments to not be about the article they read. I only say this as advice, it is the same on every other website we use.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am a lengthy writer, it is hard for me to compress my thoughts in to one or two paragraphs so I find it hard to cope on platforms.

I tried Reddit a long time ago but had to quit because I wasn't getting along with their style of things. I have visited there sometimes with links on noisecash and I don't think they have any justified reason. to shadow ban the links to readcash and noisecash.

When you are doing better than people, some people will definitely be against you while some will support you. Among those who ain't find Readcash and noisecash success cool is Reddit and I don't think their action would have any influence on the BCH eco system.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I tried with any approach but there couldn't be any kind of communication. Reddit has different approach and reddit users can't write more than 1 minute worth of reading time material. It is a forum anyway, it doesn't need to have lengthy articles to cover details. It is simple as a question that will get an answer. Two or three paragraphs worth.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

If that's the case, I don't think they should have issues with Read or Noise. Anyways it is their problem, we are very much fine and can also get our views from twitter and others.

The only reason why I promote my article on other platforms is to create more awareness for the BCh and it ecosystem.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I have never been a user of Reddit, so it did not affect me that much. But I am aware that it's a place full of trolls, and not really as welcoming as it seemed. Hopefully, other platfroms won't ditch and links like what Reddit did. It was a dumb move, in my opinion.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Very dumb move. However, I'm afraid Reddit took into consideration reports and didn't act on its own. Both Read.Cash and are not directly competing with Reddit.

Reddit is a forum for Q&A. It is not a writing/blogging platform or a social media place. So, odds are that some users probably reported to Reddit the links.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There must have been tons of reports to the extent that the links were banned. Or one of the creators of Reddit is a hidden hater too, of either BCH or the platforms instead. LOL.

$ 0.00
2 years ago