Splinterlands is poisoning my mind - Put your faith in the light!

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Splinterlands is poisoning my mind but the light will set me free! I am playing catch up with the top players and I struggle to compete on higher leagues. The Chaos Legion launch made it fairer for noobs like me and I am slowly building a better deck. Not so lucky on season reward chests but adding cards for fusing and potions for higher chances. One Venari Wavesmith is not enough to make me happy, but at least it wasn't a credits only season.

Venari Seedsmith ... ranged monster with Scavenger. Maybe I will use this one now and then. The Legendary Potions are always welcomed, as will increase the chances for .... legendary cards.

Same potions, same low number of credits, but a gold foil makes the unwrapping sweater. The little dude went straight to the market, getting some DEC on the renting system.

Can't complain here, with the Legendary Djinn Biljka! Was this because I used a Legendary Potion? This Earth Djinn ...

Put your faith in the lightI said that Splinterlands is poisoning my mind but the light will set me free! I can hear Tirion Fordring saying "Put your faith in the light!" while casting a divine shield to protect me! Noxious Fumes and 16 mana cap for this battle, making me go creative!

Mother Khala - Extra HP to all friendly monsters

Shieldbearer - Main tank with Taunt

Venari Crystalsmith - Ranged with Heal

Silvershield Bard - Support with Cleanse

Obsidian boosting 2 casters was a good idea, but not good enough for a poisonous battle! The Failed Summoner was an useless card, with no casters in my team. The Bard done the job ...  mission accomplished after the cleanse on the Shieldbearer. The end of round done some damage, and leaded to a 2v2 fight.

The second heal casted on the Shieldbearer kept it the strongest mob on the board. Another poisonous round, dealing deadly blows everywhere. Third heal and the Shieldbearer ends the battle with full health. See the full battle here!

My quest to open 100 packs is going well, reaching 30% of the target. The first 10 packs were long forgotten, while the new once are easily trackable.

Opening 10 Chaos Legion Packs - 11th to 20th - I've got 3 summoners, 10 rare and 4 epic cards. To make it better I unwrapped a legendary as well!

Opening 10 more packs - 21st to 30th - I've got 2 legendary, 2 summoners, 13 rare and 3 epic cards! Much better overall cards then before!

Sometimes I am getting lucky and I am unwrapping some top cards from the daily quest chest. Behold the Epic Djinn Chwala... a top Dragon tank with Roots. I already had this card, hoping to get more duplicates to raise it to level 2.

The second Epic card I've got from Daily Quest Chests was the Lava Launcher. 

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$ 13.75
$ 13.20 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.20 from @Pantera
$ 0.07 from @Ruffa
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$ 0.00
2 years ago

I abandoned my Splinterlands account long ago, it's hard to keep balance on everything.. I'm losing balance 🤦

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Its not hard once you make a healthy routine

$ 0.00
2 years ago