Turn off the Lights Let the Party Begin: Hamburger Party :)

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2 years ago
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Let's tell those who are wondering what we have in our kitchen today. We wanted to decorate a pleasant family weekend with homemade hamburgers. Hamburger party is one of our traditional activities. The most common snack we eat at chain restaurants and cafes is hamburger. To tell the truth, even though I know how harmful it is, it is a meal that I cannot stop eating out. At least I'm making it healthy at home and giving myself some peace of mind. I think that I have improved myself in this regard, those who taste the hamburgers I make say that they are no different from what they ate at a chain restaurant in the first bite. For me, the most important layer of hamburger is meatballs. The tastier the main product, the better hamburger we get. A good hamburger patty is plain without bread. While cooking the meatballs, the heat setting is very important and the meatballs need to keep their water inside. That water should come out as soon as you bite into the burger. While chewing a bite of hamburger in your mouth, you should feel the juice of the meatball flowing from your hands. Here's how to eat a good hamburger. In fact, if you notice, the reason why black gloves are found in steak and hamburger restaurants is very simple. Gloves are a must as the remaining water in that meatball will flow onto your hands. But that's okay with me, I don't prefer gloves because when I eat something good, I like to give it its due.

Let's get to the preparations for this recipe Materials:
Mince 2 tablespoons mustard
2 tablespoons of molasses
1 tablespoon of vinegar
black pepper
hamburger bread
Cheddar cheese
smoked meat


For meatballs, put the ground meat in a bowl and add molasses, vinegar, mustard salt and spices. And let it rest for 1-2 hours in the refrigerator. Meanwhile, prepare a sauce from mayonnaise and pickles. After the meatballs have rested enough, they are shaped and placed in a preheated pan. Cook on high heat. This step is very important for the meatballs to retain their water. Put the cheddar cheese on the cooked meatballs and let them melt. Do not clean the pan. After you get the meatballs, immediately put the bread in the pan, heat it up and get a little crispy, crispy, crispy. both breads will enjoy the leftover meatballs in the pan. Then, sauce is spread on the breads, lettuce with mayonnaise is added, meatballs with tomato and cheddar cheese are placed on it. The hamburger will be completed by adding smoked meat last. It was so delicious that it was difficult to photograph. took 1 hour to build Just 1 minute to eat burger It's sad but these are the facts Bon Appetit..

$ 0.50
$ 0.40 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @GarrethGrey07
$ 0.03 from @Tomi-Ajax
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2 years ago
Topics: Foodie, Chicken, Food, Reading, Live, ...


My favourite burgers 😍, I suddenly craves.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Look delicious!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow my friend how tempting these burgers are. Bravo, you are very good at making hamburgers. I prefer healthy food at home to a restaurant, too. I wanted that juicy hamburger...

$ 0.00
2 years ago