Life is about helping one another because we don't have all the time in the world to experience all things which is why we need to leverage on each other's experience. A lot of people think helping each other is all about giving them money and in fact, giving some people money is not in any way help to them but a doom. Most people need to first build their character before resources can be committed into their hands else whatever you commit into their hands would soon vanish when their bad character comes out to play.
Have you ever wondered how many people others have invited to join Read.Cash and even though they are in dire need of help and money, they were introduced to this platform and still, they don't want to do the work because they would rather have things handed to them? Do you think giving such a person money would help them in any way?
I can remember trying to help two young ladies not too long ago and I noticed her interest in writing poems and I love to write poems too. So, she would send it to me and I would edit and then add more to it for her until she told me she would be going to school and in need of money. I gave her the links to my blogs so she can join which she never did and I thought of another way to help her because maybe she doesn't like "blogging" and told her I would be using her poems on some platforms and however those poems do, I will be giving her the money for it.
The first month went well and she received a sizeable amount so much that her mum had to call me to thank me for helping her. I was excited because it shows it means a lot to this girl and she would be willing to do the work and after 2 months, she asked for a time out because she was having a block and it's understandable. I gave her a whole month off and she asked to come back again which she did. She did 23 days again and then went off and that's it for me.
Life is about helping people but you can't force people to be helped when they lacked the capacity to hold on to the help you have given them. In as much as possible, help as many people as you can but don't lord it over them. Allow them to make their choices because only then can you know those who are worth going the extra length for. A lot of people judge people quickly only because they have shown consistency for just a month or two. It's easier for people to show seriousness for even 6 months on the go but the true test lies in continuity and adaptability. Most people can't hold things down for a long time and it's not your fault.
I have read how many people shared their own experiences with the people they brought here on Read.Cash so they can earn too but they were not willing to do the work. If I am to share all the people I have invited to Read.Cash and Noise.Cash, I should be up there with top earners on affiliates 🤣🤣😂🤣 but, it is what it is 🤣🤣😂🤣. I've learned never to force people to do what they don't want to do. Yes, it's good to push people a little or give them a nudge in the right direction when it's necessary but when you push too much than necessary, you risk losing them finally and that line of communication would be lost. I am always keeping that line of communication close for them to come back when they can, only then can I tell them what I think of their character, in case they are not aware 🤣🤣😂🤣. I can be savage sometimes... I don't talk much, I observe a lot but when I speak, it is capable of causing a volcanic eruption... Okay... I exaggerated a little there.
My life disposition is always to take a day at a time and ask myself "Who can I help today?". Many years ago I shared on Facebook "How Can I Help You Today?" And 99.9% of the comments I got centered on "Money". The problem is, most people don't even know what they need but they assumed what they need is money but it is not. There is a scale of preference to this where you have to list your needs in order of priority... So listing all the things you think you need would give you better insight and you would be shocked that all you need is just one thing and every other thing would take care of itself and it might not even be money.
We need to stop seeing people that the only thing they need is money. I might decide to give my elder brother money but it wouldn't solve anything for him because I know what he needed is just the right connection to someone who can help him with his music. Yes, he needs money to promote his music and all but no matter how much money he raised, it can never be enough in the grand scheme of things because we also have scavengers out there who would take your money and not do anything with it.
Some need connection, some need a nudge, some need tough love, some need a link to a platform like this while others might also require money. We need to understand people first before we know the kind of help to give to them. Don't get me wrong, money is good and I was even joking with @Princessbusayo just a few days ago when she asked what I would be doing for my birthday and I told her I need $500 worth of upvote and we both laughed it off. Yes, who doesn't need money but some things take the center stage above money because once that thing is achieved you can make a whole lot of money, more than what you were expecting as a hand down.
Kindly follow me on Noise.Cash... I am trying to engage more with people and connect with everyone with this account. I look forward to seeing you there... You can say hello to me there so we can get familiarized as well. Click here.
Thank you for your time.
Es buena persona quien ayuda a los demás desde el corazón. También como tu he invitado varias personas a Noise pero no se han querido unir por el trabajo que implica. tengo 5 afiliado y ha abandonado poco después de empezar, porque no se vieron con los bolsillos llenos de BCH de repente. Sin embargo antes del programa de afiliado también le dije a unos cuantos y solo 1 esta activa.
Cuando busqué a las personas, lo hice con dos criterios el primero que sabía que escribían bien y el otro era que necesitaban dinero.
Con el objetivo de que pudieran beneficiarse de la página pero con buen contenido.
Me da cosa que algunas de esas personas están pasando necesidades y hasta me han pedido prestado para comprar pan, pero les da flojera escribir o no se le vienen las ideas a la cabeza.
No los juzgo cada quien con su vida. Pero como uno hace si no se dejan ayudar.
Por aquí una nueva lectora, si me quieres ayudar. Me podrías decir en que puedo mejorar en mi escritura.
Que tengas Feliz día.