Am I The Only One?
Despite some activities carried out on since morning, my point balance is still 0.0. Random rewarder is not friendly to me on some days. I don't know why? Thanks everyone.
Thanks for your comment on my short post. I have not seen any difference yet. Let me wait for some time. Thanks.
It's random, we are daily with way more people, you will no longer be rewarded after you posted or commented and as long as you write, comment and are not joining an upvote circle you have nothing to worry about. 💕
Your feedback is appreciated. Thanks a lot.
You're not the only one who is experiencing that. Me too. Actually I didn't know why. But you must check this new update from
I think the recent update from actually answers this. Let's follow the laid down rules and it'll be better for everyone
We have upgraded our upvoting groups detection. So, if you suddenly find that your points stopped and you are getting much less points than previously, that's upvoting groups detector in action.
Some of the very top authors (getting 500+ points per day) got penalties for upvoting groups participation so severe that they'll be getting 0 points for at least 2 weeks after they stop doing upvote-for-upvote.
Don't upvote something just because you know the author. Don't upvote because somebody in a Telegram/Facebook/whatever group told you to upvote it in exchnage for your upvote. Upvote only stuff that is worthy.
We also now apply a virtual users fairness multiplier. If you have two accounts each of them would be getting half of the points it should have got. If you have three each gets a third. If you have more you'll get much-much less...
Less points for cheaters, more points for the rest!
Recent update will correct it.
Thanks for your concern, my sister.s
got 0.8 points today, last couple days been zero. but overall been getting a lot more points under the new random system.
happened to me as well but it's working now idk why