Aren't you important also?

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Written by
2 years ago

Date: 6th March 2022

Happy Sunday, Readers! How are you all doing today? I hope you had a nice Saturday, and I hope you had a relaxing weekend.

It is the end of the weekend, which means it is time to use our bodies and minds for the events of the new week, and we all have to return to our various jobs and activities.

I didn't think I would be writing on this topic, but with the environment, I am in, I finally got the inspiration to write on it because it is something I see every day, and I feel like I should write about it.

"Why do we feel like we need others to validate our existence?"

"Why allow others decisions affect your actions?"

I have noticed that it takes a strong will to keep one's values, especially when surrounded by many people/personalities.

If a person doesn't conform to the norms of their surroundings, then they won't be able to make friends/allies.

I have seen a few scenarios of this in my surroundings because some friends of mine have changed themselves so they can be able to fit into the norms of their surroundings, and while I can't blame them because "fitting in" is part of human nature, I thought to myself.

"Why not be yourself and gain friends/allies that way? Why must you change yourself to get the attention of others? 

I am sure some of us have done this phase of changing ourselves to fit in with others, but have we asked ourselves, "why we do it."

Why do you believe that your true self is not important or amazing enough to gain friends"?

Why do you believe that you have to change yourself to gain the attention of others"? Why not be yourself.

The problem with people is that they want to force relationships to happen no matter what. Even if it comes down to changing themselves to meet the other person's requirements, they are willing to do it because they crave validation from others to survive.

Some people can't live without the approval of other people around them, and the moment they can't get this approval, you see them doing all sorts of things to get it.

I think the problem with most people is that in their minds, they have accepted the fact that they are not important or that others are better than them, and you see this in their actions.

A person who has never smoked, drank alcohol, or taken drugs immediately starts taking them so they can fit in with their so-called friends. They start forgetting their previous values/morals, and eventually, they forget themselves.

This situation also happens a lot in relationships, where one party wants to change their entire self to fit in with the other parties' lifestyle. Sometimes this ends up causing more problems to the relationship because you no longer have an identity anymore.

We all have to understand that we are as important as the person we think is more important than us.

You should never think of yourself as lower than another person because you are selling your identity/uniqueness out when you do that.

"You are also important." 

I believe we should always be telling ourselves that, especially when we find our confidence low, because when you do that, you will be able to stand your ground and withhold your values, no matter how much pressure comes near you.

There will always be pressure on you to change yourself and be like others, but you should always ask yourself if what you are changing for will actually benefit you or slow you down because many people tend to change themselves for the wrong reasons.

Before I end the article, I want to leave you with a question,

"Have you ever changed yourself to meet another person's requirements or to join a group."

Thank you for reading.

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Written by
2 years ago


I'm having a low morale week, this article made me feel a little better. Thanks

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am glad my article made you feel better, Cronos. Stay Strong.😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We need to understand that our importance isn't based on other people's thoughts or perspectives about us but on what we create for ourselves. If we believe that we are important then we are.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The truth is life is sht hole and most people would make you feel like Sht because you don’t support the way they live .. at some point you would question your view and want to cHange your identity..

The trick is to always remember that you are who you are for a reason and just stick to being who you are that is the best way to survive this world

$ 0.00
2 years ago

For me off course Yes I change myself , habits and lifestyle for some one . And she also proved a true , patriotic , sincere partner. I am happy what I did !

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True. You said it all right. We have to believe that WE CAN. We all can be great without minding people's judgment. We don't have to please them. We have to be true to ourselves. We are more important than their opinions towards us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That is the fault of us. We would always want the public to validate our existence. We want to please others even at the cost of ourselves. We became a totally different person because of trying to hit the expectations of other people.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You need the trust & self belief. Obviously you are important. Hey, good to see you back.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Agree, we must value ourselves too to be more confident

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When i see your pfp, my mind automatically become charmed. Btw we should care others just like Luffy did to his Nakamas

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am important also, I value my self more than I value others but I have to adjust to fit with them in order to make my life more valuable, I don't know why, it's just I lived like this ...

I mean, I have to changed my self in order to fit for my family.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, I understand what you are saying, but does changing yourself to fit into your family affect you positively or negatively.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It affect me both haha, possitively because I made them happy, negatively because I know from my self that I felt like suffocated 😅😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My dear friend, you raised a very important issue. In my opinion, people who change themselves to satisfy those around them or to be accepted in a group are weak people, who do not have enough self-confidence. And those who don't change themselves for the sake of others, and believe in themselves as they are, are strong and self-reliant people.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Most of us are changing themselves just to accept by others. He's it's true especially if someone seeks for companion. Real friends and colleagues doesn't give hard time to adjust them just accept you who you are.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah, I completely agree, real friends will accept you for who you are because they love you, but most people don't realize that, and they end up in the wrong groups.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No matter how great the pressure is, we should never change ourself and be like others. We are important!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

My thoughts exactly, friend!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hi Oikawa, I like your strategy of being "myself" and not mimicking the crowd. Why should I? I am simple and possess my own values. It doesn't fluctuate much with the 'market' of text bloggers and other content creators.

BTW, I am seeing a "boosted" display of this very article at the end. Very rare! I am keeping a screenshot.

$ 0.01
2 years ago