Making Problems as Life Motivation

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2 years ago

Everyone has problems in their life. It's just that the problems they face are different. Some have problems in their education, problems in their finances, problems in their families, problems in their work, and various other problems.

Everyone is not the same in dealing with, responding to, and solving every problem they face. There are those who because of a problem make the person slumped, weak and even feel they have lost their self-esteem. However, there are also those who because of getting into trouble make the person better and even stronger than before.

Why did it happen like that? All are equally human, but some are down because of problems and some are stronger and even more successful than before because they have problems. All of this happened not because of the size and number of problems faced, but the attitude of each person who was different in dealing with every problem that existed. For that, what we need is how to deal with problems and even make problems as a basis for getting up and jumping to be even better than before.

When trials in life seem to come repeatedly without mercy, don't give up just yet. Try to do the following ways to deal with the problem so that the burden on your shoulders feels lighter and you can breathe more easily. Here are some ways to deal with the problem that you can do:

- Pray

Because prayer is one of the means for every human being to communicate with God, either to express gratitude or to convey complaints and convey requests. So it would be nice if when we face a problem, we ask to be enabled to face and find a way out or a solution to the problems we face.

Try to learn from failure. Life is not always good, sometimes we are at the top and sometimes at the bottom. Remember this is an inevitable cycle and a maturing process. Likewise with the problem, accept that fact while taking lessons from the failure at that time. Instill in yourself that you are a strong person in dealing with and solving problems and becoming a better person in the future. Because in humans there are things that are big and there are things that are small. If you follow the small part you will become a small person and if you follow the big part you will become a big person.

- Stay calm

After learning from mistakes, we must not panic and must remain calm in the face of problems so that the mind remains clear. Convince yourself that there is nothing that is not because of the word, then accept it in a straight line.

By having this belief, it can certainly prevent us from mental conditions, or thoughts that are stressed and full of emotions, which will only get in the way of getting the best solution to overcome the problem. Convince yourself that everything has a beginning and an end. Try to know which things to come first and which things to come later.

-Think positively

Always have good prejudice and positive thinking in all conditions, even when facing life's problems. Have the thought that every problem or trial we experience is one of God's ways, to make us better people than before.

Be grateful for every current situation. Always grateful can be a way to solve problems. Because of this attitude, at the same time it will change the way we view our lives today so that we can know the good in what we hate or don't like.

For example, if you don't currently have a job, you should be grateful because you can have more time with your family. Or when God is being tested by a flooded house, be grateful because you and other family members are still given safety and health to this day. When you are grateful, big trials can seem small. This positive energy will really help positive thinking and ultimately come out with various solutions to solve problems.

How to deal with this problem is not an easy matter. But as long as we still have determination and a positive response in dealing with all problems, we are sure we will get a solution or a way out for every problem we face.

Even though in responding to or dealing with problems, it is not as easy as reading the three tips above, but at least by always having a positive attitude and thinking, can make us stronger and bigger than the problems we face. Because every problem that has a beginning, must have an end.

May we all always be enabled, to use problems as a basis to be able to jump higher, to become better and more powerful human beings than before. Keep the Spirit in life and keep trying to do the best Because there is always the Grace of God for all his people.

Thanks for reading and I hope it's useful.

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Avatar for Nisa1606
2 years ago


Thanks for the good read. I believe that it's really about perspective, how you look at the glass - half-empty or half-filled. However, there are times when problems arise that you need to give yourself time to feel bad about it be angry, be sad, and be vulnerable. But hopefully, after this certain time, you also have to give yourself time to reflect on the good side, what might it bring, and what good thing might happen in the future.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

All humans when they get into trouble will usually feel like that, sad, disappointed and so on. It is a form of emotional outburst. It's better to control your emotions so that nothing worse happens when you get into trouble.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

A lot of people see problems as stumbling blocks rather than a step to the next level

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Maybe They don't realize that problems are a process to maturity.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You can use problems as lessons to become more mature, so don't be afraid of problems.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You are absolutely right sir, but often we are afraid before the problem occurs.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I really believe that everyone has problems, especially if someone is already married, one of which is financial problems. dry pocket. lol. Thank you for the method you suggested sis.

$ 0.01
2 years ago