Calinstradamus Preditcion #12341: IFP 2.0 coming in Nov., no voting, just mandatory.

16 976

There's a lot of buzz on social media lately about a narrative that BCHN wants to split from BCH. Some prominent figures in BCH that are good friends with Amaury Sechet have been "rumoring" publicly that BCHN wants to split BCH.

Let me go on the record and be very clear here: Nobody.. And I mean nobody in BCHN or any of the other people involved in BCH wants a split! Nobody is talking about a split, nobody is thinking about a split -- hell, when we go out for ice cream, we don't even order banana splits! Let me be clear: We want to maintain unity and maintain a strong BCH. "BCHN wants to split" is a fictional narrative. It's completely made up. Kind of like Santa Clause.

But even Santa Clause serves a purpose, right? We tell children stories of 'Ol St. Nick in order to stimulate their imagination, elicit a response, and get them excited about the magic of Christmas. We also do it, maybe, to get them to behave a little bit (with varying degrees of actual success). That's why we keep the Santa Clause legend around.

Ok, that's Santa. That's a fictional narrative that is easily explained. However, one must wonder -- why in the world would ABC and those friendly with Amaury Sechet be pushing this ficitonal narrative that BCHN wants to split BCH? What purpose could it possibly serve? Discredit BCHN? Stir the pot? Mud sling? Perhaps. But Sechet is not one to mince words without purpose -- especially on twitter.

His purpose is to form a narrative now, which will "come true" later, and get to say "I told you these guys were trouble". It's called getting ahead of the story.

Well, let me get ahead of the story here too and tell you my prediction. I, Calinstradamus Culianamus, predict the following: ABC will do something incredibly wreckless to almost guarantee a split of BCH come Nov. 15th 2020. And the most likely thing they could possibly do is push a consensus change that pays them directly from coinbase, as they attempted to do last time, but this time it will have no BIP9 voting/activation -- it will just automatically activate Nov. 15th.

ABC is banking on the ecosystem not really being aware of the issues and not caring. In his mind, exchanges just install the latest ABC. Miners pretty much do the same. He can just do this -- and then blame BCHN for being "bad actors" that want to "split BCH".

You heard it here first, folks.

$ 14.85
$ 5.00 from @zveda
$ 5.00 from @blockparty-sh
$ 2.00 from @ichundes
+ 10


Amazing 😊

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Some things age like milk, and some things like wine.

This article aged like the finest red wine.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow beautiful sir

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Prophecy from my side: Calin, your main points would be toothless and debunked in under 1 minute, should you ever join a video conference or discussion face to face. So much so, that I am sure you would actually not even make some of the points you usually make, as you know how ridiculous they are.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Debunked, eh? I was spot-on here. ;)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I didn't read your article. I just say in general you're toothless and the only way you can make a case is by being a dick. "incredibly wreckless" yada yada. Who is more rektless than you, lol?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

you are sick

$ 0.00
4 years ago

sick of it, yes.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Good. IFP doesnt need miner voting. Miners can just choose to not run ABC.

Proof of Work is a good governance mechanism, right? Then you shouldnt ever be worried about governance problems.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

If BCHN still followed their original founding principle of "following the longest chain without contributing to the risk of a chain split", well then we would not have a split. But things have changed ( Congrats on destroying BCH and splitting off on your own minority fork (4% hash) just so you can get rid of 1 guy!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

How in the world did I not see this ? I must have been sleeping...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow.. Dead on my bru

$ 0.00
4 years ago

good article

$ 0.00
4 years ago

this makes a lot of sense. Miners and hodlers need to start being more active.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I can tell you that you are my favorite writer in ReadCash now. A good combination of making sense + apt humor.

$ 0.60
4 years ago