Depression is a silent killer. Ways out of it.

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2 years ago

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Since two days now, there have been an unceasingly flight of an agonizing news all over the social media platforms about a reputable accountant who worked in one of the best telecommunication companies in Nigeria, but ended up killing herself by the ingestion of sniper.

The news made us understood that she was a victim of depression for a long time, she was 47 years old, no husband, no children, coupled with other challenges.

We were made known that before her demise, she was a professional with classical proficiency in accountancy, doing well in her job, and earning good amount of money. People proclaimed about her that she was a woman with good heart, loved and cared for other.

Having read the news, i tried to check the comments of people about the matter, frankly, some supported her decision while some condemned it. Hmm! I heard the voice of the heart of people through their comments as touching the deceased, i came to the conclusion that many people are passing through depression in this country oh, just like i used to be some time ago.

Depression is real, and it's a condition that affects the frame of mind, feelings and the disposition of the victim, thereby causing him/her to operate at the lowest functionality.

My experience about depression.

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There was a time i had the thought of committing suicide, i wanted to end my life as i became tired of life and everything in it, I felt there were no more reasons to live any longer. Frustrations filled me up like water fills the sea.

I could vividly remember 2020, that was two years ago, during Covid-19, when things were very tough, as a student, i invested my hard earned money and loaned money into agriculture, rented farmland, bought seeds, hired labourers, went through a lot of stresses, then planted seeds. But unfortunately, when my plants were getting ready to be harvested, Fulani herdsmen brought in their cows into my farm, and ate my plants. This really made me lost a whole lot of money, it made me went into debt, and caused depression in me. All through the night i would be thinking, I hardly sleep.

But i thank God for families, friends, and well wishers who stood my sides, and encouraged me, and helped me out with the loans.

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How you would know if you're facing depression.

  • When you feel sad persistently, and the feelings of emptiness fill your mind.

  • When you're no longer interested in the pleasurable things that you once enjoyed so much.

  • When you begin to have the thought of suicide or already engaging in it.

Ways out of depression.

Always do the opposite of what the depression's voice suggests to you.

In our part of the world, people are passing through a lot, from lack of employment or underemployment to perpetual pressure from home, many people have bills to pay but no money to pay the bills. There are loads of responsibilities on people's neck and there is bad economy whereby the prizes of commodities are getting skyrocketed day by day and their salaries remain as it was in the beginning. This may make depression to come in, but when it comes stand against it and never submit to it's voice. Never submit to anything it brings. Always encourage yourself that tomorrow will be better.

Do well to spend time with your loved ones. Don't isolate yourself from them.

Depression may want to make you separate yourself from family and friends, especially when you aren't doing well financially and in some areas, but time spent together with can help to sweep away the major and mini causer of the depression, as they would encourage you, advise you, and cheer you up.

If you can't constantly see them physically, you can call them via phone, have video calls with them.

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Do your best to help whoever is depressed.

When you begin to observe that someone who used to be happy and joyous with a lot of cheerfulness but suddenly develop feelings of sadness or hopelessness, move closer to such person, don't leave him or her alone.

There are people outside there, in your location, and community who used to be very jovial and love to be around people before but now they're restricting themselves from the public, now privatizing their affairs than they should, they now have the feelings of worthlessness in them, feel sad and unworthy most days. Please move closer to them, ask them Questions, many are willing to speak out but nobody comes to them. Do not let them harm themselves before you take steps.


No matter what you are passing through, no matter how complicated your situation is, please don't live in depression, and also don't exchange your life for it, there is a purpose why you're here on Earth, there is reason why you are still alive, make yourself happy, move closer to people that delight in your happiness.

Thanks for reading.💖💖

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2 years ago


That is saddening... depression is something that's really hard to fathom and at times we don't even realize that someone is depressed.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Depression is literally a silent killer. I just suddenly remember the story of my father in law about his brother who killed his self because of depression. Everything started after He had his vacation in USA and when he came back to their province he act differently. He locked his self inside his room and no one tried to talk to him and so at the end they found him died, as he hang his self inside his room. Only to find out he had a misunderstanding with his daughter in their vacation and he took the misunderstanding seriously and that leads him to depression. Fortunately his other children's thought that he would be okay but they didn't expect that it already ended up his life.
That is why we shouldn't invalidate someone's emotions as depression could literally took anyone's lives away. Anyway thanks to your family and friends as they help you to get out from that deadly situation.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Sorry to hear about the death of your father in law. Of a truth, depression can make someone to do some pernicious things, especially when no one is around us. Thank you my friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We need to start taking our mental health more seriously. Depression can lead one to do the worse.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Exactly! We need to take it more serious than before, because as it stands, couple with various hectical challenges ups and downs, depression can make someone to do some harmful stuffs.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Fulani herdsmen! At my side we frown at their sights, once we notice their approach towards our farmland, the community strikes Instantly to block them. So sorry for that...

But depression is real, and when it comes we shouldn't see reason to suicide. Nah! E Every problem has a solution

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Depression is real and people should take it seriously. We should learn to reach out to friends and family we never might tell who is on the brink of commiting suicide.

We live in a lawless country. Imagine all your hardwork destroyed by some wicked and barbaric herders

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's it, we need checking out on one another, and asking how things go, because many people outside there have their minds sobered , but nobody to share words with. Herdsmen are too bad and destructive, what a mess we find ourselves in this country.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I was just talking about depression with someone this afternoon cause she was already fed up with life and gbam, I came across your post .. what a coincidence, I'm glad I came across it though, it brightened my knowledge the more. Anyways I'm Priscillia and it's nice meeting you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sighs, may her soul rest in peace, I can only imagine how she must have felt, at such age yet no husband and no kids... life could be something else at times.

I can also imagine how you must have felt when those herdsmen can to your farm. Thank goodness you scaled through that phase. Depression is no child's play, it's really dangerous and terrible, I've felt it countless number of times before.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Her death touched me, though i never met her once, but it pained me. She worked with GLO self. Those herdsmen were very heartless and ruinous.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My dear friend, I am very sad about what happened to your farm. You were really unlucky. I completely agree with you that depression is a silent killer, because it can make a person kill himself. When we see someone suffering from depression, we should pay more attention and kindness to him, and try to help him get out of this unpleasant situation.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you friend, the destruction on the farm was really painful. Exactly my point, we shouldn't leave whoever is depressed alone just like that. We need to help such.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It was indeed a silent killer. And we must protect of mental health to avoid such.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

There are many people that have silently died as a result of suffering from depression, getting our mental health protected and helping others out of such situation we need doing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I read immediately your article because it's quite similar topic what I published few minutes ago. I was talking anger and yours is depression. Yes I agree with you my friend that depression is a silent killer because some people who could not carry the problem, their solution is to commit suicide. Thanks to God we have family and friends who will become our angles who will encourage us.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Good to hear you made a post similar to this not too long. Painfully depression has sent many people to their early grave, it made some people ended up self murdering as a result of the weight of challenges and issues of life. We need to do our best to save people from it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good to hear you published similar topic not too long. Painfully many people ended up self murdering as a result of the weight of problems and issues of life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago