Appreciating our Mothers.

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2 years ago

Dear Readers, happy Sunday to you. Hope you're doing fine? I want to thank you for always reading my article. God bless you richly. Today's article is written to show appreciation to our Mothers. Sincerely, we really need to appreciate them for the great works they have done. Candidly, they have been trying for us.  

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Starting from the beginning, our mothers carried us in their wombs for Months, they felt our first Kick as we were in their wombs, sometimes we would kick them from the inside using our legs, hands, even our head "gbamm!! gbimm!!!!!" And they felt the pains in their bodies, but all they could do was to silently say "aaarsh!!!", they didn't kick us back.  

They felt your first somersaults. They protected us while we were growing inside of them. While in the womb, when we needed the most vital things, Foods, water, and other things, it was our mothers that gave them to us through what they ate. They laboured in the hospital as they wanted to give birth to us. 

Doctors and nurses would say to her: ……….push!!!!!!!! She would push for many times, some hours, some days, before we would finally come out as a baby. But if the pushing process in the labour room isn't successful, the surgeon will order her to the operating room/ surgery center for surgical operation (surgery). In the surgery centre, her Belly will be pierced with surgical blades to take us out, if finally we are out, they would stitch her Belly back, she would feel the pains of the wound for some days before it heals!  Oh my goodness!!!! Our Mothers really tried.

Mother breast feeding her baby.

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It was our mothers that taught us how to eat for the first time, we suck their breast for the first time. 

What my Mother taught me:

  • My Mother taught me and my younger ones to fear God, and do His Will.

  • Despite being a male child, in my early age, my mother raised me with the ability to cook foods. Whenever she's in the kitchen, she would want me to be there assisting her, and learning at the same time.

  • She taught me and my younger ones how to do house chores, how to make everywhere tidy up and look nice.

  • She taught us excellent manners, to be respectful people anywhere we find ourselves.

  • She taught us to care for others, she taught us to always give to the needy willingly as our capacity takes. 


  • She taught us to honey humanity and stay humble.

  • She taught me many more, if I continue to list them, this article will not contain them.


When Life hits us bad, and we look at the sky and it looks dark and uninteresting, we look at friends and families and they seems to let us down, trust me, our mother won't leave us, she will be there with us to encourage us, boost our morale, and hearten us. 

My experience to buttress my point. 

Years back, when i failed a very vital Examination, i became so downhearted, depressed and dispirited, I was at one corner in our house crying and thinking why i had failed such examination that was very important to my life. I never knew my mother had heard about my failure in the exam, instead of her to became angry, she came to me, hugged me, wiped away my tears using the sleeve of the cloth she wore, and gave me words of encouragement, she said i'm an intelligent person, that i could do better if i try more, she encouraged me to put more effort. Her words of encouragement strengthened me, they entered into me and watered my soul, it was like i just drank cold water from the heart of a rock covered with beautiful Roses. She gave me words of hope, and  did everything for my wellness. My mum is a pillar to hold tight. 


Our mothers cover us against anything that scares us. 
For example, when i were kids, and we felt scared by something, most times we ran to them. Even now that we are adults, being around her is always interesting.

They've always shown us love, affection, attachment, devotion, tenderness, and attachment. Let us always appreciate our them.

DISCLAIMER: This article is neither written against the Fathers, nor trying look down on the efforts of the Fathers in child raising. It's only written to appreciate and encourage the Mothers to do more of their kindness and love.  

Thanks for reading, please comment, upvote, and subscribe. 

I will like seeing you next time in my article, and i in yours. ♥️♥️

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2 years ago


If we want to itemize all the blessings and gift from our mothers, the list will be endless. They're such a huge blessing to us. God bless all the mothers🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Heavens lie at the feet of our mothers. Whatever your perception of heaven is.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

My perception of heaven: a place of comfort, joy and happiness. We can find this with our mothers. Mom are just so sweet to be with.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mothers are gems indeed, no one can love like a mother. Come and teach me how to cook ooh 😔

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Mothers' love are really tremendous. Do not worry, any kind of food, i'm ready to teach, even to our local foods. 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Awwwwwn ☺️ I'd be so delighted to learn, lol, thanks alot Ayo

$ 0.00
2 years ago