3 Life Lessons i learnt on GOOD FRIDAY.
Very early today i had woken up, and prepared to attend service in our church because today is Good Friday. So, i got dressed, picked up my Bible and writing stationeries. I wouldn't like to be late, so i had to use a fast taxi. I got to the church and learnt some Life lessons . I will share them with you here ....you know there is joy in sharing. So come with me.
Not too long, the service commenced, and the choir began to sing, oh my goodness!!! Come and see songs sang classically with sonorous tones by our amazing choristers!!!!!!!! oh! To the deepest heart of mine, i was enjoying the beautiful renditions by them. The pianist and other instrumentalists were just puffing up my head by sweet tone and keys they were putting into the songs. Wow!! Wow!! Wow!!! Beautiful!!!!! All of us (the congregation) were shouting . After this, we had the first serious of prayers, and the pastor mump the pulpit, and began to preach, and from his preaching, i learnt these Life lessons, i will to share it with you.
First of all, let's know the meaning of Good Friday.
There's no bad Friday, but the word "Good Friday" is used to represent the day set aside by the Christians for the remembrance of the death of our Lord Jesus Christ, according to the Christian calendar. It's a day for the commemoration of the griefs, pains and agony he passed through, and finally nailed to the cross, and he died. Ooohhh!!!! Just imagine who never sinned but died for our sins (He died for the wrong we did). You can see it's a big love God has shown to us.
The Life Lessons:
1. Pursue your purpose and dreams. (Jesus pursued his own).
For us to be saved, we needed a saviour who would die for our sins, since "without the shedding of blood no remission of sin". Jesus Christ knew this was his purpose, that is to say, to die for the sins of men, he was not feared by the pains, tutors, and sufferings he would experience. Even at the Gethsemane as he saw how horrible his death would be, he didn't make conclusion that he was no long going to die, instead pursued and achieved it.
Know your purpose/ dream, make sure you pursue it with everything you have, just know that there is no short cut to dream actualisation. You can't have the glory if you can't undergo the stresses and sacrifice. The road that lead to success is always rough, and it's not tarred at all. Just know you can't have a smooth drive as you wanna journey into success. So, pursue it regardless of challenges.
2. You may not get help from people when you need them most. (Jesus carried his cross with little/no help from others.)
In life, if you want to achieve your vision, don't be totally dependent on people, that you will get help from people, that can disappoint you at one point or the other. We could see that as Jesus was asked to carry his cross to the place where he would be nailed, he carried it and was going with it, though he got tired at some points, yet was still carrying it, the crowd were looking at him but didn't help. It was only Simeon of Cyrene that pitied him, and helped him.
3. Your best friend can deny you. (Peter who was the closest disciple of Jesus denied him. )
Peter was very close to Jesus, but when Jesus was arrested, he denied him by saying he didn't knew him, he said he never say him before. You can see this in Matthew 26:33–35.
An adage says "not all close friends are real friends, and it's only in hard times you will know real friends". Many Friends are in your life today because of what they will gain from you. Many of them just want to milk you, it is not that they are ready to help you when your perilous time comes.
Come and hear my own story.......
Sometimes back in my higher institution, it was the period of our examinations, i had problem with my accommodation, as in, i could not pay my house bills, so that forced me pack out of the house, then i went to a friend in my church, i pleaded and told him to allow me stay with him just for two weeks of our examinations, but stylishly denied me, through out the period of the exam he was hiding himself from me, i called him severally he wasn't picking my calls. You can see he denied me in my hard time.
That's life, people you call your close friends can deny you, when you have some challenges.
Lead image source: unsplash.com
Date: 15th April, 2022.
These are so true, wonderful lessons here. We have to chase our purpose no matter how daunting it may seem