Visited software house: New Experience.
May 30, 2022 Article no: 157
Greeting Everyone!
Hello there, read cash aficionados. I hope you're all having a wonderful day. I am also benefiting from your kind prayers. Uhh, this was a hectic day; I had just returned from university. I had been in classes since the morning and was only now released. After returning from university, the first thing I did was pick up my laptop and begin composing today's article.
Actually, today was a busy day because I had a Web viva to prepare for, so I spent the entire day preparing for it. By God's grace, my Viva went well and I received good grades. Now! My mind is completely exhausted, and I can't think of a good topic to write about right now, so I'm just going to write about my new experience from the prior day. Let's get this party started right away.
Welcome back to another blog. So, let’s start our today’s article without wasting your precious time. But before starting it,
If you haven’t visited my previous article yet then do visit it first.
Visited Software house.
A few days ago, one of my friends encouraged me to join the software firm where he was employed. Actually, I don't have any skills or command of any language at this point, which is why he was pressuring me to join the software house, where I may perhaps own skills till the completion of my degree. Before this offer, I tried applying to many software houses but they all rejected me because I had not completed any projects. However, the owner of this software house was related to a friend of mine, so I applied on his behalf.
When I arrived at the business with my buddies that day, the owner summoned us all to his office. He began by telling us about himself and the goal of a software firm, and then he went on to tell us about all of its branches, as well as some of the most well-known projects he has completed. Then he introduced us to his software house's most senior developers. Then he asked us to introduce ourselves one by one.
Two of my pals were highly hardworking and were already working on a few projects, so they mentioned them during the introduction. The proprietor inquired as to which languages I was interested in and what I planned to do in the future. He began by asking a few basic questions about my degree as if it were an interview. By the way, all of the inquiries were completely unexpected because I expected him to inquire about my CGPA and other such matters, but I was startled to learn that he didn't even inquire about my degree or the semester in which I am enrolled. He kept requesting I show him any project I had completed in the previous years.
After the interview, I observed that the owner was dissatisfied with me because he prefers people who are involved in projects or who work very hard, and I was not one of them. Then he introduced us to the entire employees, and we went on a tour of the entire software house. It was a three-story structure with roughly 50 rooms. Then he showed us our seats and we talked about the schedule and other details.
He also provided us with the assignment on the first day, which had a 24-hour deadline. He stated that whoever completes this project will remain at the software house, and I was unable to complete that assignment. In addition, I recently quit the software house because the schedule was inconvenient for me.
That concludes today's discussion.
Ending Thoughts
I know the outcome was insignificant, but I am pleased because I obtained new experience, and now I will not be concerned with grades or CGPA since I understand that in my degree, only those with talents have value.
Thank you for your kindness and time. Continue to be blessed.
Plagiarism                                                                                         Â
All words are written by me. This article is 100% unique.
I'd want to express my gratitude to all of my wonderful sponsors, as well as the Read Cash team because, without you, I'd be nothing and would never be able to achieve my objectives.
Have a good night.
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Jawad, you're lovely' (Niazi)
Nowadays if you don't have any experience, your degree is nothing. I just suddenly remember when I was trying to apply for a position, I thought they will hire me but only because I don't have experience I lost the opportunity. actually one of the reason why I wanted to apply is because I wanted to have an experience but how can I get an experience if they won't hire me? But anyway you still had a good day, still productive.