Created my first Website: Html
April 16, 2022 Article no: 144
Greeting Guys
Good day, everyone! I hope you're all having a wonderful day. I'm having a nice time as well. Sorry for not visiting your posts; as I already stated in my previous articles, I am busy with my academics and am having difficulty creating a proper routine owing to little sleep. By the way, all I want is that you have a wonderful time here and enjoy your lives.
Today I'm back with another strange topic. Actually, I was scrolling and looking for a topic for the article yesterday, but I couldn't find anything suitable, so I skipped yesterday's article. While scrolling again today, I decided to write about the skills that I am currently studying. Actually, I'm nearing the end of my degree, which is why I'm focused more on skills than anything else. Because in my degree, skills are more important than CGPA. My degree is worthless in this field; only those with skills are valuable.
In this blog, I'll discuss the fundamental skills I'm studying right now. If you are not interested in programming disciplines, you may skip this article because I am confident you will not find it interesting. Simply tell me about your health in the comments box, and we'll be able to engage more effectively.
I won't take up much of your time in this article since I understand how valuable your time is, so let's get started on our today's blog, but first So, without wasting any more of your time, let's get started on today's article.
However, before you begin, there are several things you should know.
If you haven’t visited my previous article yet then do visit it first.
Created my first Website: Html
How did I get Interested?
After conducting research in this field, I discovered that Web Development is currently popular. So I chose this area since it piqued my interest after I learned the fundamentals. One of my friends was learning, and he encouraged me to do the same since he predicted that there will be plenty of jobs on the web for the next ten years.
Well! This semester, I'm also taking a Web basics course. First and foremost, I established objectives before beginning. Let me share a couple of my objectives with you. I'm not going to share all of my intentions today; instead, I'm just sharing in the hopes that someone will be inspired.
Main Goals
My main goals for the next three months are to solidify my knowledge of HTML, CSS, and Javascript. My next step will be to learn to react, as well as to begin understanding WordPress. These are just a handful of my upcoming plans for the next three months. I put forth a lot of effort to gain these abilities, and now I'm asking for your prayers.
Now I am done learning the basics skills of HTML and #CSS and a few days ago I just implemented it and I make my personal website. I know it’s not perfect but I am happy that at least I started it and I am on the first step.
Here is the link to my first website you can check it and give your kind feedback in the comment section.
I'll keep you updated as soon as I do something exceptional. If you are familiar with these abilities, please offer me some helpful advice.
That is all there is to it.
Ending Thoughts
Now, I'm coming to a halt because I'm considering reading a few articles today because, for the first time in a long time, I'm feeling revitalized. Also, I'm missing all of you guys, believe me, I'm missing you all, and I'm missing the interaction with all of you.
Thank you for your kindness and time. Continue to be blessed.
All words are written by me. This article is 100% unique.
I want to thank all my beautiful sponsors and the read cash team because without you guys I am nothing without you and will never complete my goals.
Thank you @GarrethGrey07 @BCH-lover @renren16 for renewing your kind sponsorship.
Have a good night
Thank you for your reading and don’t forget to tap on the thumb icon.
Your Lovely, Jawad(Niazi)
So basically, I really don't have any knowledge about making a website. I am not even knowledgeable in terms of using the computer, but I found this interesting so I think I can also learn this and take time to think if I can be able create my own website. For sure it would be so exciting 😍. Anyway I wish you good luck for the success of your own website.