Anxiety attacks because of hot temperature.

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Avatar for Niazi420
2 years ago
Topics: Daily life, Trust, People, Work, Emotion, ...

June 10th, 2022 Article no: 167

Good day, everyone! I hope you're all having a great day. In addition, I am doing well. Could you please do us a favor and pray for rain? We've had enough of this scorching heat. It's been two or three months since we've seen any rain in our city. When the rainy season began a few days ago, I was relieved that we would finally get some rain, but the rain was falling everywhere except in our city.

My blood pressure was going to drop due to the hot weather today, and I was having an anxiety attack. Let's go through it in greater detail; perhaps you already know something about it.

Welcome back to another blog. So, let’s start our today’s article without wasting your precious time. But before starting it,

If you haven’t visited my previous article yet, do visit it first.

Anxiety attacks because of hot temperatures.

Because the air conditioner was turned off due to load shedding, and our university generator was not operating, I felt something in my heart today while sitting in class. Let me start by telling you that I had two quizzes today in two distinct classes at university. The first quiz was at 8 a.m., and I aced it without any concern because I was sufficiently rested. Then, around 10 a.m., I had my second quiz. I felt something in my heart when giving my second quiz.

My heart rate began to rise. My hands began to tremble, and I began to sweat. It seemed as if I could hear my own heartbeat right in my ears. My eyes started to close, and I couldn't explain it to my friends or the professor. My head and neck were sweating, and I felt as if my entire body was melting. I also felt as if someone was placing pressure on my neck, or that someone was holding me because I couldn't breathe. I requested that you bring all of my belongings with you when you finish your quiz because I am heading to the hostel room and am not feeling well.

I first assumed it was due to the hot weather, and that if I walked outside into the fresh air, I would feel better. However, when I got outside of the room, my condition worsened again, so I requested a friend who was already outside to take me to the medical unit. Because of the sweeting, my clothes were completely soaked when I entered the medical unit. One of the doctors took my blood pressure and other vital signs, then gave me some medicine and told me to wait a while. After half an hour of lying in a calm position, my heartbeat began to return to normal.

Everything was a haze to me at first, but as time went on, I began to see things clearly. My doctor then informed me that you experienced an anxiety attack as a result of the hot weather outside. He advised me on some precautions and prescribed medication, and I am now feeling much better. I've experienced anxiety attacks previously, but they were caused by stress and despair, and this is the first time it's happened to me. Well! I'm feeling a lot better now, which is why I'm here with you.

That concludes today's discussion.

Ending Thoughts

 Btw, how many guys of you are facing any issues with @TheRandomRewarder. I saw many posts regrading this that rusty is not visiting them or visiting them very rarely. I don't have any idea about this after all rusty is random and we can't do anything regarding this. I was not facing this issue before but on the two days before the article rusty didn't even visit for the one time, and on my last article which I uploaded yesterday, rusty just visited me for the one time. I don't know why this is happening and when it will sort out. Let's just hope for the best.

Thank you for your kindness and time. Continue to be blessed.


I am the sole creator of the text. This is a unique piece.

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Have a good night.

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Yours sincerely, Jawad`(Niazi)






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Avatar for Niazi420
2 years ago
Topics: Daily life, Trust, People, Work, Emotion, ...


we have the summer season ended few weeks ago, and the start of raining season. yet, it is still so hot.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

there is no doubt that over environment plays an important role in our moods. I pray and hope that you will see rain falling in your town in the coming days.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, brother. Just hoping for the best. Thank you, bhai. Good to see you here around.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's too frightening, if I happened to experience that situation, I would really panick.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

No need to worries, mate. Just stay hydrated all the time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Everyone seem to talking much about the sudden increase in temperature. We need to sit down and make some observations. Anyways sorry about the anxiety attack feel better my friend

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, brother. Hehe, maybe our sins are increasing day by day that’s why God is angry with all of us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah or maybe it’s human negligence

$ 0.00
2 years ago

completely agree with you because this literally happens to me al the time

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Take care of yourself, mate. Stay blessed.

$ 0.00
2 years ago