Fried Cheesy Potatoes

Kids and kids at heart always love the idea of eating a bunch of french fries. But literally, we didn't even know that we can turn our very own potatoes into a yummier and tastier snack or dish.

Better be ready with your pan and knives 'cause here is the recipe you've been waiting for.


  • 2 Potatoes large size

  • 1/2 cup Mozarella Cheese or Shredded Cheese

  • 2 tsp Sugar

  • 2 tbsp All-Purpose Flour


1) Peel the skin of the potatoes using a knife or a peeler. Be careful if you're using a knife.

2) After the potatoes are totally peeled slice it as thin as you can for it may be easier to cook when it is steamed.

3) Place the sliced potatoes in a steamer and steam it for about 25-30 minutes until the potatoes gets soft.

Note : If you don't have a steamer you can also boil the potatoes but make sure to drain it properly when it's cooked.

4) Once it is soft place the steamed potatoes in a bowl and mash it throughly. You can use a tool or your hand depending on what you like. Make sure that is totally mashed.

5) Add the sugar and all-purpose flour in the mashed potatoes then mix well.

6) Get a small amount of mashed potatoes and roll it within your hands. Press the middle of the rolled potatoes and put mozarella cheese on it. Sealed it properly for it will be the perfect filling for your dish. Then flatten your stuffed potatoes like a doughnut but not really for it doesn't had a hole in the middle.

7) Heat the pan. Put some 5tbsp of Cooking Oil in the heated pan and let it heat first. Put the stuffed potatoes in the heated oil in the pan. Make sure to fry both sides for about 3-4 minutes or until it turns brown.

8) Once it is cooked place it in a plate then serve. Enjoy !

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Que rico!! son como arepas rellenas y fritas. Las haré son muy fácil y las papas fritas siempre son deliciosas, gracias.

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4 years ago

This must be tasting so delicious. I would like to try it.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

thank for this idea .. i have for dinner ideas for tomorrow evening keep it up

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4 years ago

i am a cheese lover as well as my family thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe i must try these in my kitchen potatoes and cheese is a very good match .

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User's avatar eve
4 years ago

I love eating. I am cheese lover.. Thanks for this good idea.. Thank you for your sharing delicious recipe.......

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Woah,tasty,i will.try this for my kids,tnx for sharing!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I liked to eat photatos very much. I donot have any idea of this recipe which you shared with us. Thank you so much for sharing new topic.

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4 years ago

Nice article about potato

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4 years ago

wow seems like a simple recipe. looks delicious. im gonna try it later. :) thanks for sharing

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This article is very nice. I love potato. It is very interesting to eat. My mom make it very happily. Thanks.

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4 years ago

looks delicious, i wanna try it too! I think it'll go best in breakfast. Uhm, i'm starting to crave now.

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4 years ago

Get a small amount of mashed potatoes and roll it within your hands. Press the middle of the rolled potatoes and put mozarella cheese on it.

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4 years ago

potato life is full of pain 💔

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3 years ago

Fried Cheesy potatoes, looks very yummy from the picture, also kinda looks like pancakes, but either way, I'm sure, it'll be sweet.

$ 0.00
4 years ago