Truths of life

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Hello there! Let me share this thoughts, it talks of the eight truths about life. I will just share with four and the other is, I'll just separate it for another content. I know for some reason you'll gonna be wondering why I cam up this idea but I think you can relate this. Recently, I saw post from one of my friend on Facebook. It's interesting that's why I'll share this to you. So let's start.

Truth no.1

No one is genuine in this earth except for a mother. I can't deny that some of the mothers are lovable but I can't accept that majority of them shown to us genuine love. It's really hard to accept that some mother are aborting there own offsprings. It's like they made a horrible things. In fact the main evidence is that we have seen alot of controversial issues in news that infant are being abandoned in the city wrapped by a plastic bag and then put it in the trash can.

Is that a genuine love? Of course no, no matter how hard life is we shouldn't do things that can harm our child. Don't be mad at me that I've share this to you. I admit there are good parents out there who truly love their offsprings albeit they are in poverty. Those aborted child is so pathetic. There unfortunate fate and cruel mother remove their rights to live in harmony.

Hoping that majority of parents genuinely give love to their siblings. I salute to those parents who made sacrifices for their children. Thanks to Philippine constitution they assert that no person shall be deprive the life, liberty and property without due process of law. This statement is really significant especially to those individual who have been abused many times.

Truth no.2

A poor person has no friends. This is really true in some point. There are those individuals who are present when money and wealth is present also. The concept is people just want to take advantage in a certain situation and in times of troubles they don't give help. It is so disappointing when we understood someone's trait like they tend to approach you when you are abundant but in problem they seems they're not part of the problem or they don't want to help.

Although, there are individual who truly loves a friend no matter what the situation is, they tend to offer a helping hand. It's feel so good when we know there are people who want to help us. I remember I have a kind of friend who always want to help me especially in time of need. I really appreciate him when I have problem he tend to help me.

So, in that case I tend to make a vice versa. In short I also help him in times of trouble or problem. But if he has financial problems I can't promise cause I have no income since I'm still jobless right now. In fortunate chance that I'll be hire and make a job I'll not hesitate to help him.

Truth no.3

People don't like good thoughts they like good look. I think not everyone is getting fascinated with good look. There are also people who really want a good traits. They ignore the look but give importance to inner behavior of a person. Well, social media has teaching in giving importance to good look over good thoughts. That's the reality we are facing. Good thoughts is indeed more interesting than any good looks. Why? It's because good looks fade while good thoughts remains in infenity.

Truth no.4

People respect the money not the person. Money is so powerful enough to destroy the person. It can distort information. Money is not good in all times sometimes it is the root of all evil. It seems some people are getting respect because if money. It is so sad because people right now are controlled by money. People tend to respect person when they know the person has a wealth, they have something to receive.

Wealth is getting respect even though there are alot of bad deeds behind on it. People tend to protect bad people because of money. There are also people who seems not to be cease by money. They tend believe the Truth than any myth. I remember when a politician try to expose the corruption of his colleagues and he wants to.

$ 3.48
$ 3.43 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @Mafer8866
$ 0.02 from @Esp130
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Nice meeting you pal I guessed you don't know how to add the sponsor block since you are a new bie . When you type you should see an icon like $ click on it and continue writing when you published the article definitely your sponsor block is set . What you write truly deserve Sponsors . It true my friend " a poor person has no friends ". They will just be in good with me at his presence and at his absence they began to say bad about him or her

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Such an informative thoughts. Thanks for sharing dear I appreciate it. I'll show my sponsor block soon. Thanks again dear for dropping here.β˜ΊοΈπŸ™

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No. 2 and 4 are so true. People nowadays only care about the money. If you have bundle of it, you are important.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes that's true my dear friend. If you have something to given then you have also alot of people.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well, they are all right in a certain way, that is why the human being should be closer to emotional stability and self-love so as never to be affected by any of those truths.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's true we should not affected by them. There's no room for sentiment if in case they are negative.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True, friend. No money, less friends. Bitter and sad. 🀧

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well, you can determine which is true you will know that when you're at risk. Only genuine remains.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are πŸ’― percent accurate. Nowadays people follow as you said in article.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I intended to choose these article cause I know some of you here can relate or you have experience about various traits of the people.

$ 0.00
2 years ago