Do we need a psychiatrist?

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3 years ago
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Some people are not aware that it is not shameful or ashamed to visit a psychiatrist, that it is not madness or just a game, it is a necessity exactly like organic diseases

My friend once told me that she has difficulty sleeping, because she is thinking about a difficult situation that has weighed on her for five years and has been haunted by fear since then.

She finally decided to go to a psychiatrist to treat this problem. After a long search, I found a psychiatrist with a good reputation - according to what she said - on one of the social media platforms.

After a lengthy conversation with the doctor and several personal questions - which lasted for hours - he discovered that my friend was suffering from a spiritual injury! (This means that she has an eye, an eye, or a magic that someone hidden somewhere.) He advised her for several things, including reading some surahs in front of oil and anointing her body, and telling her about some of the side effects that she will suffer in the future in order to get rid of the spiritual injury!

I do not mean something offensive, or disbelief in magic, touching, jinn, and so on. This is quite another issue, but for psychiatry to be understood in this way, or to be transformed into a religious and spiritual issue instead of a psychological issue .. It is a disaster!

Although my friend just wanted to talk and remove her worries by talking to someone who knows exactly what mentally ill people suffer, or who have thoughts and feelings that disturb their lives, this ended with her diagnosis of a spiritual injury.

I am going through stressful moments and periods of severe depression, to the point that I lose my passion, appetite, and enthusiasm for life like some, and this is a normal feeling that needs professional help..I fully understand that.
I always wanted to see a psychiatrist, I wanted to be as light as a feather. But after my friend's accident - far from generalization - I decided to treat myself myself (what a hard task and a long road!)

I wanted to know the reasons that prevent some people from visiting a psychiatrist. Do we really have to book an appointment that might be the only way to alleviate the suffering, or do we continue our lives by ignoring what bother us?

Why mental illness is linked to insanity

Some people are not aware that it is not shameful or ashamed to visit a psychiatrist, that it is not madness or just a game. As everyone pays attention to physical health, mental health is just as important, and in many cases psychological symptoms lead to physical illness, so it is never shameful to seek help from an expert.

Where I grew up, as soon as a discussion on this topic began, a wave of jokes and mockery followed. There are many stereotypes conveyed about psychotherapy that prevent people from seeking help, and as a result they never seek treatment.

Gregory Dlack, director of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Michigan says:

“Speaking out loud about what is bothering us can be very helpful. Talking with someone trained in dealing with anxiety and depression will be extremely beneficial in dealing with psychological symptoms, directing some negative thoughts and returning us to a healthy mental state where we can move forward with these difficulties.”

Many people prefer to live with their pain and psychological problems away from others and from talking about them and being aware of them, ignoring the importance of the doctor in helping the patient overcome his crises by developing a treatment plan that helps him heal.

But is there really something more important than mental health ?! Will I sleep with a tightness in my chest, or will I get up from a long sleep that I do not want to wake up from in order not to face life, or will I succumb to sudden bouts of sadness that I do not know the beginning of from the end and live with all this and bear its consequences and effects on my body with flimsy excuses?
I don't think there is anything worth ignoring ourselves for!
Let us live a good life and do what it takes for a better life.

A session with a psychiatrist

$ 0.00
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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Life, Experiences, Blog, Story, Health, ...


Thank you for all

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I don't think, it can be sometimes

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Not on every situation needs a psychiatrist sometimes yourself can handle it with the help of your friends. But if you are experiencing a severe emotional stress then you should contact the psychiatrist.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Not every emotional complex can be solved by a psychiatrist. Sometimes only the self can handle and cure it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I don't think so

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You know psychiatrist are really helpful for clinical situation but some people find it very hard, other people would say "you are crazy". I really hate that.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Human mind and emotions are too complex. We need people or professionals who can help us. People aren't crazy, they just need help and psychiatrist is one of their haven.

$ 0.00
3 years ago