Healthy and bad habits

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2 years ago

Habits are an integral part of life. Some of them are good, but some of them are bad. From an early age, everything is learned, even habits. Nutritionists recommend established good habits. Meals should be at the same time, training 3 times a week and a minimum of 6 hours of sleep.

Coffee and cigarettes or running

Natural awakening is best, I believe you agree with me. But a lot of people can't wake up without a cup of coffee. I am one of the coffee lovers, so apart from the fact that coffee wakes me up, I enjoy the smell and taste. Now, a cigarette with a cup of coffee is a bad habit. Usually this ritual can replace breakfast, which is not a good option at all. But that's why running after a cup of coffee is a complete success. What habit do you choose?

Smoothie or fast food

Lunch time is when we are usually at work. A fast lifestyle makes us choose the easiest option for us and that is fast food. Fast food looks tempting, it smells fantastic, but after a few months we get extra kilos as a gift. Being overweight also causes health problems. I understand, we can't carry a blender with us, but that's not a reason not to think ahead. We can make a smoothie while getting ready for work. One banana, one apple, one carrot, a spoon of oatmeal, a glass of yogurt, brrrr and the shake is ready to take away. Which option are you for, a smoothie or a fast food?

Dinner at 6pm or before going to bed

Dinner is just as important as breakfast. Unlike breakfast, which should be strong, full of carbohydrates and protein, dinner should be light and a couple of hours before bedtime. Salad with tuna or chicken is an ideal solution at 6 p.m. But the evening is ideal for a movie and with the movie you can have drinks, snacks, beer, coca cola. I would be lying if I said that this kind of relaxation is not pleasant. After a while we will realize that such a habit is very bad. Our body will just tell us to stop. It will start to change. You just need a mirror and everything will be clear to you. 😊 What habit do you choose?

Overslept or sleepless night

"Habit is a miracle". It is a saying in my language. It is difficult to create a good habit and it is even harder to stop bad habits. Six hours of sleep is the minimum for body recovery. Anything under six hours is the beginning of insomnia. The color of the skin changes, when the body is tired. Dark circles under eyes are getting bigger and bigger. The body is looking for more and more caffeine to stay awake. All this can be done while you are young. It happens that one does not sleep through the night, but it is not healthy, it should not become a habit. The night is for sleeping. Nature has arranged it. What habit do you choose?

Thanks a lot for reading. All content is original.

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2 years ago


I have no problem with those bad habits, I am not a smoker, just an eater. I love coffee at any time, even before bedtime, it doesn't affect me. Lunch and a nap, it doesn't fail me either. To sleep I just close my eyes and that's it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

My bad habit is sleepless night,we mostly pray at night so am just not fond of sleeping but i do sleep in the morning to recover.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It's good to get some sleep in the morning. It is important for the body to recover

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We can't deny that we do not have any kind of bad habits because we really have, I'm not different from others so I too have some bad habits which I'm trying to overcome. Coffee is good but it can affect our health and hormone levels if we take this things a lot, we should not make ourselves slaves to any kind of bad habits, if we try then I believe we can overcome our bad habits. We need to sleep at least 6+ hours in order to get a healthy body and a fresh mind. Now I'm trying to replace my fast food habits to healthy foods. Best of luck to all of us.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

That's right, I agree. We all have bad habits. The most important thing is to know what these bad habits are and to start correcting them 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also have bad habits in some cases. My bad habit is I love to eat ice cream. The future is bad for me, but I still can't get over it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Ice cream is good, but not in large quantities. If you know how much you eat, it will be ok 😉

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My bad habit is a sleepless night but I am trying to work towards it cos I am always weak the next day

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Try drinking tea before bed and relaxing, maybe some physical activity. You will sleep well 😉

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My bad habit is eating a chocolate before going to bed. I am trying to stop doing that. 😊

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It's not bad, if you do the training before that 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago