Why Robin Padilla Over Chel Diokno?
Robin Padilla and Chel Diokno
Robin Padilla isn't intellectually better than Atty. Chel Diokno, i agree, but he doesn't have to be better than the latter to be qualified in the Senate.
I don't understand the need to compare the two and degrade the other.
Why do you have to compare Robin to Chel when we can have both in the senate?
It's just a matter of agreeing to the platforms they raised.
✅ Robin pushes for economic reforms by opening our economy to Foreign Direct Investments
- more investors > more businesses > more employment, - more competition, better salary, better services
✅Robin pushes for #Federalism and he is very much knowledgeable about it,
- Federalim spreads out opportunities to regions, it also make the regions more flexible, more competitive and quicker to provide services.
📌 https://correctphilippines.org/evolving_federalism/
✅He pushes for #Parliamentary Form of Government which is commonly used by least corrupt countries due to its design that demands strong accountability. Parliamentary System is internationally-proven, more stable, more efficient, more accountable, and more competence-based than the Presidential system we have right now.
Robin pushes for constitutional reforms.
He believes that system shapes behavior.
Good system produces quality politician.
He believes that voting wisely is a short term solution, while changing the system is the long term one.
With the above stated reasons, I am voting for Robin Padilla in the Senate because I agree with his platform and his vision.
If you want to vote for Chel Diokno, go vote for him, campaign for him all you want, BUT don't bring down a good person to advance your senatorial bet.
I have a number of reasons not to vote for Chel but I don't have to tell it anyway.
Robin doesn't deserve the bashing.
He never said anything bad against Chel.
Robin even greeted Chel and his daughter for passing the bar exam, so there's no reason to make them clash against each other.
♥ To know more about constitutional reforms. ♥️
Read: https://correctphilippines.org/
Visit Group: CoRRECT™ Movement Moderated Public Forum
Robin Padilla's Interviews:
♥ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpGrpOTsC_I
♥ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiwWAXUtxKg
Why Robin? by Mariel Rodriguez-Padilla
♥ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmUZSAxguvU
I understand where the sentiments are coming from, especially in our current political system which is very popularity based,
We're so done and upset seeing celebrities turned into politicians, and making money out of it particularly those who are already losing their career in the showbusiness industry.
However, Robin Padilla for me is different, he is not running to make a career out of politics, as mentioned in one of his interviews, he is running to push for reforms, and after he succeed doing that, he plans to go back to his private life to study and serve as Imam (if I remember it right).
He is pushing for political reforms (Parliamentary) that will make way for a system that empowers qualified candidates (like Dra. Minguita Padilla , Carl E. Balita ) to run and win a seat in the government kahit hindi sikat.
A political system that will also empower the losing candidates to still have a seat in the govt by being part of the Opposition that will check and scrutinize the government - no need for lousy press conferences. A form of government wherein weekly debates are incorporated in the system so weak leaders can't run away from it.
Also, for the information of everyone, Robin went to college and studied BS Criminology, and according to an interview by Karen Davila, he graduated from it. I just don't know if he took and passed the licensure exam, nevertheless, he is a college graduate, with degree and diploma, and has background in criminal law and other related laws.
So I don't think Robin deserves the hate.
Stop the comparison.
Vote for who you agree with but do not drag down Robin.
Thank You For Reading!
Basta, I voted for him and I did not have regrets. He deserves a seat in the senate. People seem to have very shallow judgments on certain individuals because of their so-called standards 😅